goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Whenever Entering/Leaving the game, play an automated text in selected chat/FC Chat #981

Closed PLord84 closed 1 year ago

PLord84 commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

Would be sent to the Fc chat whenever entering the game and leaving.

More info

Example: Me: Hello All, hope you have a great day Me: Bye Bye, have a great day.

Original Requestor

No response

Request Terms

NotNite commented 1 year ago

This doesn't follow our plugin guidelines:

b) automatic, as in polling data or making requests without direct interaction from the user which could create unwanted load on the server or give away that XIVLauncher is being used.

PLord84 commented 1 year ago

This doesn't follow our plugin guidelines:

b) automatic, as in polling data or making requests without direct interaction from the user which could create unwanted load on the server or give away that XIVLauncher is being used.

Sorry, have a great day and thank you.