goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Achievement Search Function #984

Open Laxxboy opened 1 year ago

Laxxboy commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

A, hopefully, very simple plug-in that would add a search bar into the achievement window to allow one an easier time of finding achievements. It would great to be able to search the name of the achievement, but _even _better__ if the search filter would include the description of the achievement. I.E. being able to type in "FATE" and have it bring up all the FATE achievements that all have different names.

More info

This is likely more of a pipe dream, but, in addition to the search function, it would be amazing if the achievements window got a re-haul. Specifically in regards to having more concise categories. IMO, the categories are far too general. For example, the Character > General window contains the level milestone achievements for both battle jobs and DoH/DoL, Wonderous Tails, Faux Hollows, Custom Deliveries, & Island Sanctuary. I used the search function within the new-plugin-ideas Discord channel to see if any of these ideas had been previously proposed and did not find anything. Even if none of my ideas are possible, I still appreciate the work y'all do. Happy Holidays!

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