goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Auto "Text Auto Advance" on for voiced cutscenes and off for non voiced cutscenes. #987

Open Zayr64 opened 1 year ago

Zayr64 commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

Allow the user to enable "Text Auto Advance" when a voiced cutscene plays and disable the auto function during non voiced cutscenes.

More info

The "Text Auto Advance On" option is very helpeful and immersive for voiced cutscenes, however i dont think it really fits for the non voiced scenes, since those require more effort of the user to read than to just go along with the voice audios. I also dont like to always toggle it on and off whenever i notice that a cutscene is about to be voice and i need to turn on the feature, vice-versa. Would it be possible to add this idea in a new/existing (looking at you simple tweaks) plugin?

Edit: I saw a similar post from 2021 so i decided to remake this request and see if it would renew interest

Original Requestor


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