goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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PVP Metrics and Analytics #991

Open ArcaneDisgea opened 1 year ago

ArcaneDisgea commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

A plugin that would track various relevant PVP metrics and produce analytics around them.

More info

A plugin that would track:

Most analytics should be personal only however some being aggregated and made public would be neat. Being able to see that BLM are super common in NA but on EU servers they are rare or that across the board SMN has a very high winrate on a given map could be interesting.

Any aggregated and published stats should be anonymized. PVP can be pretty toxic so I do think it would be ill-advised to allow players to look at each other's win rates.

I just think it would be neat to see "oh I have a high win rate on the fire CC map as WAR but my WAR is shit on any other map" or "Wow BLM really sucks on the wind map" or "Wow MCH has a very low pick rate but the people who do play them win most of their matches."

There could maybe be a friend system where you can share your stats with people you choose but I would generally avoid making people's stats public in order to avoid toxicity going wild.

This does sound like fflogs but for pvp though and we have a pretty general rule against those so whoever makes this should probably consult the discord and see how to make this in a way that would be acceptable.

Original Requestor

Me, when CC first released but also Grayve#8836 in discord.

Request Terms

pvpEnjoyerr commented 4 months ago

there used to be a client like this for frontlines back in 2016: https://github.com/XIVPvP/XIVPvP and a site where it would send the information to: https://web.archive.org/web/20160304214609/https://xivpvp.com/

would be amazing if someone could pick it up again

reiichi001 commented 4 months ago

Perhaps try out the PVPStats plugin