goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Mouse/camera lock for accessibility. #993

Open KnifePrincess opened 1 year ago

KnifePrincess commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

Plugin that "locks" the camera/simulates me holding the "rightclick button" as long as i am pressing WASD/movement keys.

More info

Simulate right mouse click down whenever I am pressing/holding down WASD keys.

Much like this addon for world of warcraft: https://github.com/MouselookHandler/MouselookHandler

Original Requestor

No response

Request Terms

KnifePrincess commented 1 year ago

I should prob mention that i want to be able to also move and use spells whenever i am pressing WASD and the "lock" is on.

4i7 commented 1 year ago

How about Smart Strafe from Simple Tweaks? It allows you to control how the camera and characters move in and out of combat.