goatcorp / wine-xiv-git

wine builds optimized for FFXIV, based on wine-tkg
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Latest release (8.5.r4.g4211bac7) includes garbage hidden files #9

Closed rankynbass closed 1 year ago

rankynbass commented 1 year ago

There's a bunch of hidden files in the current release (also in the unused 7.15 release). They're of the format ._file_or_folder_name and contain some text of about Mac OS X and com.apple.quarantine. They don't actually seem to affect the functionality of wine, however.

Mac OS X           2¢ÔATTRԘ<˜<com.apple.quarantineq/0083;6431d5c3;Safari;2A363FB3-DB59-4283-B02F-402D6BEDF207

The top level one is slightly different:

Mac OS X           28ATTR8Ž„ŽHcom.apple.maclü<com.apple.quarantinekÔôÔML²ÃFÑÅ_q/0083;6431d5c3;Safari;2A363FB3-DB59-4283-B02F-402D6BEDF207
NotNite commented 1 year ago

This is information created by macOS - plenty of explanations online if you search "macOS dot underscore" (like this one). marzent is likely just a macOS user and messed up creating the archive. Whoops!

marzent commented 1 year ago

Yeah these ones are especially sneaky since they are representation of the file's resource fork/extended attributes if the native filesystem does not support them... They are at least not garbage, do not affect wine at all and are transparently (de-)compressed with bsdtar:

% tar tf wine-xiv-staging-fsync-git-arch-8.5.r4.g4211bac7.tar.xz | grep ".*/\..*"

Anyways they still don't make too much sense here given the target os; I updated the release so they are no longer part of the archive (this interestingly saved up a few KB which is something I did not expect)