goatfungus / NMSSaveEditor

No Man's Sky - Save Editor
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UI bugging out #856

Open ryz0o opened 1 year ago

ryz0o commented 1 year ago

It doesn't matter what I do, I've downloaded the latest, older and cloned the repo. Everytime I do anything the UI seems to go all funky and overlap itself and make it impossible, reminds me of Windows 64 days and it's annoying as hell. I mean other then that the editor is absolutely sublime, and I couldnt ask for more.

I'm running Windows 11, so I dunno if that's the issue...

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statopre commented 1 year ago

Seems to be Windows 11 related, yes. I was posting the same issue a while ago and am using Windows 11 and someone else in that thread claimed it works on Windows 10 and not on Windows 11 for him.

fhasans commented 1 year ago

have you installed this



kjboggs commented 11 months ago

I am having the same issue Windows 11 Java is current

otakuon commented 11 months ago

This is definitely a problem with Java and Windows 11. I have seen this exact same issue with other Java apps on Win 11. The way I resolved it in the past was to run the app as Admin, but not really sure how do that with the NMS save editor as it's run as a raw JAR file (and not inside a standalone app wrapper).

EDIT: I fixed this by running the Windows Command Prompt as Admin and invoking the NMS Save Editor by switching to the save editor location using the standard DOS commands and then entering the commandjava -jar NMSSaveEditor.jar

statopre commented 11 months ago

This is definitely a problem with Java and Windows 11. I have seen this exact same issue with other Java apps on Win 11. The way I resolved it in the past was to run the app as Admin, but not really sure how do that with the NMS save editor as it's run as a raw JAR file (and not inside a standalone app wrapper).

EDIT: I fixed this by running the Windows Command Prompt as Admin and invoking the NMS Save Editor by switching to the save editor location using the standard DOS commands and then entering the commandjava -jar NMSSaveEditor.jar

Just tried this method. Unfortunately didn't work for me. :( This happens in the console. Seen it from others, too: WARNING: name mapping not found: yID WARNING: name mapping not found: X;? WARNING: name mapping not found: WmI WARNING: name mapping not found: :?x WARNING: name mapping not found: IsL WARNING: name mapping not found: MMA WARNING: name mapping not found: me6 WARNING: name mapping not found: 4q6 WARNING: name mapping not found: AeI WARNING: name mapping not found: L8= WARNING: name mapping not found: waR WARNING: name mapping not found: rER WARNING: name mapping not found: OHU

Devilin-Pixy commented 11 months ago

@statopre Those warnings are not related to the UI issue. These are just new mapping keys found in the save data. These will be used 'as is' in the Save Data to cause no problems, to be replaced with human understandable names with a future update. Only useful when you wish to edit Raw JSON, to know what they mean.

GTP20 commented 10 months ago

This is definitely a problem with Java and Windows 11. I have seen this exact same issue with other Java apps on Win 11. The way I resolved it in the past was to run the app as Admin, but not really sure how do that with the NMS save editor as it's run as a raw JAR file (and not inside a standalone app wrapper).

EDIT: I fixed this by running the Windows Command Prompt as Admin and invoking the NMS Save Editor by switching to the save editor location using the standard DOS commands and then entering the commandjava -jar NMSSaveEditor.jar

Any other suggestions? This didn't solve the issue for me. This latest update, its glitching out within a few seconds of opening.

runlykhel commented 10 months ago

Same problem same glitch, been going on now for months.=(

NicholasL4 commented 10 months ago

Same issue on Windows 11

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

The suggested method of resolving this issue on windows 11 most certainly does work. I downloaded the latest version of the editor, extracted it to a brand new folder and then in the windows menu, brought up the cmd app, right clicked on it, clicked on run as administrator and then changed directories to where it was extracted, and then ran the provided java run command. Prior to this, I was having the exact same issue, and was just coming on here to post a bug report. Just tried to put this in a batch file, but it seems even with escaping my username it does not want to work. Guess my dos knowledge is too rusty.

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

Well I just did some extensive research on this, and have found a solution that will allow the editor to reliably run as an administrator every time, and does not get the overlapping happening on windows 11.

You will need to go to the directory where you have extracted the save editor and open note pad and add the following:

@echo off :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code starts) REM --> Check for permissions 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code ends) :: Your codes should start from the following line java -jar ./NMSSaveEditor.jar

Save that file as editor.bat or whatever name you wish to call it, but it does need the .bat extension.

You can either send a shortcut to the desktop, or just enter that directory when you wish to use the editor. You then just need to double click on that created file, and the program will run as administrator. I did try with the full file path to the location of the .jar file, however it did not open the editor, it just closed the whole thing.

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

I must also say, that with this .bat file, it does not check for updates to the currently obtained editor. I did not want to mess things up by trying to add the Author's code without fully understanding if it is going to cause any issues. I also did not write the above code, rather I found it from google: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37105012/execute-jar-file-as-administrator-in-windows

Devilin-Pixy commented 9 months ago

Should be able to use an old trick, by creating a shortcut to the batch file (.bat) and run the shortcut as admin. Can even set it to always run the shortcut as admin through the 'Properties' (Shortcut > Advanced Properties).

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

Does not work on windows 11, which is why I posted the correct solution provide by the java forums. Try it yourself and see the results.

Captsalt commented 7 months ago

Thank you! The bat file is working for me!

JohnDoh337 commented 7 months ago

I followed your directions and made the new "editor.bat" file with the copied code and it runs in administrator but the GUI still buggs out and overlaps for me.... Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2

JohnDoh337 commented 7 months ago

I tried this method also and the issue persists.. I'm on Java Version 8 Update 391 btw