goatpig / armoryd

JSON-RPC daemon for BitcoinArmory
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armoryd.py as a client - Name Error on ProxyService (line 3489 of armoryd.py) #9

Closed XeuDrA closed 6 years ago

XeuDrA commented 6 years ago

Hi @goatpig & @bendelo ,

I would have typically use the bitcointalk.to forum, but both captchas don't seem to be working so I can't register. I'm trying to run armoryd.py locally as a server (1st instance, no issue, runnnig as --regtest, ArmoryDB & bitcoind are also up and working) and then in a separate terminal trying basic calls in the following way:

$ python armoryd.py --regtest getarmorydinfo So far, it's pretty straight forward, however I always ending up with an error while trying to executeCommand at line 3489;

Name Error: global name 'ServiceProxy' is undefined.

Now I tried to look in the different imports from txjsonrpc and couldn't find it in there. Any idea which import hasn't work properly? Any other idea of why this wouldn't work? I did indeed copy armoryd.py and the txjsonrpc/ to the BitcoinArmory directory. I also create an armoryd.conf with a random username:password in the default armory home dir ~/.armory ... this shouldn't be the issue in my opinion as we're alreayd facing the issue as we call ProxyService()

Thanks and hopefully you can assist!

XeuDrA commented 6 years ago

moved this to https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4524532.0 as the captchas we're working today.

~ Closing so there's a central location for this and I don't feel it should be on the github repo @bendelo @goatpig if you do have anything that can help, don't hesitate to answer over there that would be appreciated :+1: :1st_place_medal: