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Proxmox Authentication over openID doesn't work anymore #2169

Closed hackmybeer closed 2 years ago

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

Hey, Like described in this proxmox forum post, proxmox authentication over openID isn't working anymore. Could please somebody look into this?

Thanks in advance (:

Kind Regards Maris

xpufx commented 2 years ago

@hackmybeer I just logged into my prox. I am running the latest authentik (2022.1.3) and the latest proxmox ( 7.1 with updates applied). You can find me on the discord channel if you'd like to compare configurations.

fwollny commented 2 years ago

@hackmybeer Can you post the syslog of proxmox while trying to log invia oauth?

xpufx commented 2 years ago

Mar 19 23:12:19 prox1 pvedaemon[3595767]: <root@pam> successful openid auth for user 'MYUSER@authentik'

This is the only thing in syslog.

Maximilian-Staab commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue. It also looks like the documentation is somewhat out of date: https://goauthentik.io/integrations/services/proxmox-ve/ It said to set the JWT Algorithm to RS256, but this setting isn't visible for me. When I check the openid-configuration, this is what I get (note the lack of RS256):

openid-configuration ```json { "issuer": "https:///application/o/proxmox/", "authorization_endpoint": "https:///application/o/authorize/", "token_endpoint": "https:///application/o/token/", "userinfo_endpoint": "https:///application/o/userinfo/", "end_session_endpoint": "https:///if/session-end/proxmox/", "introspection_endpoint": "https:///application/o/introspect/", "response_types_supported": [ "code", "id_token", "id_token token", "code token", "code id_token", "code id_token token" ], "jwks_uri": "https:///application/o/proxmox/jwks/", "grant_types_supported": [ "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "implicit", "client_credentials" ], "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [ "HS256" ], "subject_types_supported": [ "public" ], "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], "acr_values_supported": [ "goauthentik.io/providers/oauth2/default" ], "scopes_supported": [ "openid", "email", "profile" ], "request_parameter_supported": false, "claims_supported": [ "sub" ], "claims_parameter_supported": false } ```

EDIT: @hackmybeer I just added the self-signed certificate as Signing Key for the proxmox provider, now it works! Did you try that as well?

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

Sorry for my inactivity. Thanks for all you replies! I’m going to test it later this day. Thank you so much (:

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

@Maximilian-Staab i think i did. I've added my config here... image image

Maximilian-Staab commented 2 years ago

Does is work for you? My setup is slightly different: I've kept my launch URL empty and I don't have a trailing slash in the redirect URL.

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

No, it doesn't work :/

Here is my Proxmox config: image

And this is the error message I'm getting when trying to use authentik as my ID-Provider: image

BeryJu commented 2 years ago

No, it doesn't work :/

Here is my Proxmox config: image

And this is the error message I'm getting when trying to use authentik as my ID-Provider: image

You are missing a leading slash on the issuer URL, with this URL it won't work since promox will append a path and get a wrong URL

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

No, it doesn't work :/ Here is my Proxmox config: image And this is the error message I'm getting when trying to use authentik as my ID-Provider: image

You are missing a leading slash on the issuer URL, with this URL it won't work since promox will append a path and get a wrong URL

Thanks for your quick reply. I added it and it sadly it still refuses to work...

Maximilian-Staab commented 2 years ago

Does the user you want to log in with exist? You need a <username>@authentik user, or you enable Autocreate Users in the OpenID config for proxmox. Also check your Issuer URL in the same config. I have a trailing slash, pretty sure that's what @BeryJu is referring to. See:

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

I don‘t even get to the part where i can log in. I just get a error 500 from the proxmox api. I‘ve also added the trailing slash but it doesn‘t work either :/ Autocreate is also enabled.

Maximilian-Staab commented 2 years ago

Make sure you use a private window or delete cookies every time you change something. Other than that I'm all out of ideas.

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply (: In Authentik or Proxmox? To test the openID login I already use a private window :/ Hmm

Maximilian-Staab commented 2 years ago

The cookies for the domain your proxmox is responding from, so pve.<something>.intern. Also are you not using a proxy for your subdomain? I'm asking because of your use of a both specific subdomain and a non standard port. My setup is probably a bit different from yours, so I can't really show you my configs (I'm using authentik both for authentication and as my proxy).

I'm pretty sure that when the 'datacenter-path', eg. #v1:0:18:4:::::7:: was missing, my setup wasn't working as well. Maybe try adding that as the redirection URL.

Also we should probably move this to a private conversation. This isn't a bug report anymore. We could still update the documentation if we find out what's wrong with your config.

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I agree with you.

hackmybeer commented 2 years ago

I finally found the issue. Turns out using your brain correctly would save you some time and a big headache. I neglected the fact that Proxmox, or in general all OSes, don‘t trust self signed certificates… After playing around with CAs and Certifictes it finally works!

Thanks for trying to help me (: Have a nice day!

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

@hackmybeer I am facing the same issue and I am using Nginx Proxy Manager with a Let's Encrypt certificate. Are you doing the same now? I am facing the same issue as you

mgrimace commented 1 year ago

@hackmybeer I am facing the same issue and I am using Nginx Proxy Manager with a Let's Encrypt certificate. Are you doing the same now? I am facing the same issue as you

What are you using in your 'advanced' tab in your NPM entry for PVE? I can use Authentik to login/authenticate Proxmox VE (e.g., if I launch the app directly from Authentik, then select the 'authentik' realm), but when attempting to use NPM with the 'default' advanced config just results in a 500 error.

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

@hackmybeer I am facing the same issue and I am using Nginx Proxy Manager with a Let's Encrypt certificate. Are you doing the same now? I am facing the same issue as you

What are you using in your 'advanced' tab in your NPM entry for PVE? I can use Authentik to login/authenticate Proxmox VE (e.g., if I launch the app directly from Authentik, then select the 'authentik' realm), but when attempting to use NPM with the 'default' advanced config just results in a 500 error.

Today when I open the proxmox URL, I need to login via authentik, but then I am forwarded to the proxmox login. When I try to use the Authentik realm, I get a 500 error (forwarding error).

My advanced tab in nginx proxy manager is empty, which seems to be part of the problem.

mgrimace commented 1 year ago

Today when I open the proxmox URL, I need to login via authentik, but then I am forwarded to the proxmox login. When I try to use the Authentik realm, I get a 500 error (forwarding error).

My advanced tab in nginx proxy manager is empty, which seems to be part of the problem.

I have the opposite issue, I can login to the PVE optionally using the Authentik realm, but I can't force a user to login via Authentik. My NPM points proxmox.mydomain.com to it's internalIP:8006, and advanced tab is also blank. in Authentik, I set it up exactly as the documentation, except I had to remove the port from https://proxmox.mydomain.com in Authentik, I think because NPM is already handling the port. My other apps, I use the 'default' advanced config provided by Authentik. When I try and use the advanced config for PVE, this creates a 500 error for me, I think because my other apps use outpost/forwardauth where this is openID.

I'm not sure what do to fix the issue, and I don't know why yours would even prompt the login via Authentik without the advanced tab!

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what do to fix the issue, and I don't know why yours would even prompt the login via Authentik without the advanced tab!

I would not know either, because I was wrong :D. Same behavior as yours. Will try the port thing.

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

Today when I open the proxmox URL, I need to login via authentik, but then I am forwarded to the proxmox login. When I try to use the Authentik realm, I get a 500 error (forwarding error). My advanced tab in nginx proxy manager is empty, which seems to be part of the problem.

I have the opposite issue, I can login to the PVE optionally using the Authentik realm, but I can't force a user to login via Authentik. My NPM points proxmox.mydomain.com to it's internalIP:8006, and advanced tab is also blank. in Authentik, I set it up exactly as the documentation, except I had to remove the port from https://proxmox.mydomain.com in Authentik, I think because NPM is already handling the port. My other apps, I use the 'default' advanced config provided by Authentik. When I try and use the advanced config for PVE, this creates a 500 error for me, I think because my other apps use outpost/forwardauth where this is openID.

Can you post your Authentik (provider and application) and proxmox config? I removed the port (all combinations of app and provider) without luck. Still getting this:

mgrimace commented 1 year ago

Ok, here's Authentik, noting the only change from the guide was that I did not include :Port

Provider: Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 00 47 PM

Application: Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 03 33 PM

Here's Proxmox PVE, setup as a newrealm

Note that NPM has an entry for Authentik called auth.mydomain.com already, the address I entered here was found in the metadata for the Proxmox Application in Authentik (i.e., click the application name, it lists a bunch of info). Same with the keys.

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 3 57 57 PM

Note also, that on my first login, Authentik created a user [myusername]@authentik. I had to log back into PVE as root, go to permissions and make this user an administrator. Otherwise you won't see anything when you log in.

Here's NPM, with proxmox.mydomain.com, SSL origin certificate from Cloudflare, and no advanced config because I have zero idea what to put there.

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 00 PM Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 36 PM Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 55 PM

All of this lets me choose to authenticate via Authentik by selecting the authentik realm from the PVE login window. My issue is that I without the advanced config, I don't seem to have a way to force Authentik login when I use proxmox.mydomain.com.

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot - two questions:

  1. Do you have a trailing / at the end of the URLs in the Authentik settings?
  2. Have you created the SSL certificate in NPM with Let'sEncrypt?
mgrimace commented 1 year ago
  • Do you have a trailing / at the end of the URLs in the Authentik settings?

no, it is https://proxmox.mydomain.com - this was the only way I could even get it to work with NPM since the port was already 'mapped' there. Again, no idea if this is right.

  • Have you created the SSL certificate in NPM with Let'sEncrypt?

no, I use Cloudflare (free tier) for my domain/DNS records, and I have an SSL origin certificate from them. In Cloudflare, my SSL is set to Full (Strict) and uses a wildcard for my various self-hosted sub-domains. I do not have Let'sEncrypt (as far as I know).

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

Got it! My setup is not exposed externally at all. Not sure that makes a difference, but I would not why it would. How would proxmox know it is an internal request only.

Will try your setup

thimplicity commented 1 year ago

Does not work - no idea what else to do here.

ArtLion74 commented 1 year ago

Ok, here's Authentik, noting the only change from the guide was that I did not include :Port

Provider: Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 00 47 PM

Application: Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 03 33 PM

Here's Proxmox PVE, setup as a newrealm

Note that NPM has an entry for Authentik called auth.mydomain.com already, the address I entered here was found in the metadata for the Proxmox Application in Authentik (i.e., click the application name, it lists a bunch of info). Same with the keys.

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 3 57 57 PM

Note also, that on my first login, Authentik created a user [myusername]@authentik. I had to log back into PVE as root, go to permissions and make this user an administrator. Otherwise you won't see anything when you log in.

Here's NPM, with proxmox.mydomain.com, SSL origin certificate from Cloudflare, and no advanced config because I have zero idea what to put there.

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 00 PM Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 36 PM Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 4 05 55 PM All of this lets me choose to authenticate via Authentik by selecting the authentik realm from the PVE login window. My issue is that I without the advanced config, I don't seem to have a way to force Authentik login when I use proxmox.mydomain.com.

Guys, maybe noob question, but I don't know from where (in Authentik) I should take Client Key (value from Client Secret is not working) value to put this value in Proxmox OpenID Connect Server. I have 401 response. I take Client ID and Client Secret from defined provider.




Can you help me ?

Pandiora commented 10 months ago

Just in case anyone uses a reverse proxy (traefik) in front of proxmox and got the same problem >> look up your system logs. (/var/log/syslog) If these logs state the username is to long (64 characters) then you should have to alter what authentik is sending over to proxmox - maybe use the email address of your user. Problem was discussed in pm forum too.

Solution: Like suggested I have changed my proxmox provider in authentik > advanced protocol settings > subject mode and selected "Based on the User's Email" - voilá.