Closed water-pc closed 2 years ago
The only notable issue I can see from your report is this:
Issuer/authority should be https://authentik web address/application/o/application slug
The issuer needs to end with a trailing slash, this is required, as that's how the tokens are created. I assume Lithnet uses the OIDC well-known URL to configure itself, which it should be able to access to correctly, but the Issuer won't match and as such the ID Token cannot be validated.
The only notable issue I can see from your report is this:
Issuer/authority should be https://authentik web address/application/o/application slug e.g.
The issuer needs to end with a trailing slash, this is required, as that's how the tokens are created. I assume Lithnet uses the OIDC well-known URL to configure itself, which it should be able to access to correctly, but the Issuer won't match and as such the ID Token cannot be validated.
Sorry, I must have accidentally removed that while editing the issue. I just double-checked, and we do have the trailing slash in the configuration. I amended the instructions above.
The other thing I could imagine, does the redirect URI contain uppercase letters? In that case thats an authentik issue and will be fixed in 2022.6.3
The other thing I could imagine, does the redirect URI contain uppercase letters? In that case thats an authentik issue and will be fixed in 2022.6.3
No, it's just the Lithnet server address + "/auth". I let it populate automatically after signing in. I just tested in 2022.6.3 and get the same result.
Hmm, could you also post the authentik server container logs while logging into lithnet?
Hmm, could you also post the authentik server container logs while logging into lithnet?
2022-06-20T17:36:27.326877153Z {"event": "/api/v3/core/applications/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "5133c8c363284b3588691e8f670d997d", "runtime": 166, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:27.326666", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T17:36:28.237244609Z {"event": "/-/health/live/", "host": "localhost:8000", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 15, "remote": "", "request_id": "2e017c1c626845328ba531f5b12b31f5", "runtime": 6, "scheme": "http", "status": 204, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:28.237032", "user": "", "user_agent": ""}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.539303249Z {"event": "/application/o/authorize/?client_id=45675a1529281068f58c8109352dba2eda58328f&", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "5b2ae13bd7ed4961aab0950a7f9d1aff", "runtime": 25, "scheme": "https", "status": 302, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.539096", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.560608616Z {"event": "/if/flow/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/?client_id=45675a1529281068f58c8109352dba2eda58328f&", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "09a8b869d8d8428689dc66adc59143c8", "runtime": 11, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.560411", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.760069242Z {"event": "/api/v3/core/tenants/current/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "766a750b7da9419f950d8ff040bf526c", "runtime": 50, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.759632", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.779191802Z {"action": "authorize_application", "client_ip": "", "context": {"authorized_application": {"app": "authentik_core", "model_name": "application", "name": "Lithnet", "pk": "e8b6c871a4e6469b9143b322bbfce81e"}, "flow": "7451755996664afcafc697828bb9db6e", "http_request": {"args": {"query": "client_id=45675a1529281068f58c8109352dba2eda58328f&"}, "method": "GET", "path": "/api/v3/flows/executor/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/"}, "scopes": "openid, profile"}, "event": "Created Event", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.778873", "user": {"email": "", "pk": 1546, "username": "testuser"}}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.789430834Z {"event": "/api/v3/root/config/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "5156423cd1ee4e9bba83954310383c6f", "runtime": 62, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.788964", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.813063708Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "task_id": "8c8887a8-64fb-4e6c-a363-79540364657b", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.812817"}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.822104136Z {"action": "model_created", "client_ip": "", "context": {"http_request": {"args": {"query": "client_id=45675a1529281068f58c8109352dba2eda58328f&"}, "method": "GET", "path": "/api/v3/flows/executor/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/"}, "model": {"app": "authentik_providers_oauth2", "model_name": "authorizationcode", "name": "Authorization code for OAuth2 Provider Lithnet OpenID for user testuser", "pk": 2}}, "event": "Created Event", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.821671", "user": {"email": "", "pk": 1546, "username": "testuser"}}
2022-06-20T17:36:44.836124780Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "task_id": "4e9a838d-9cb5-4fe5-a5da-8cb6d49ca9bc", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:44.835910"}
2022-06-20T17:36:45.572402190Z {"event": "/-/health/ready/", "host": "localhost:9000", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "HEAD", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "b4474f9291d24343bcae928338755272", "runtime": 19, "scheme": "http", "status": 204, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:45.572199", "user": "", "user_agent": " lifecycle Healthcheck"}
2022-06-20T17:36:46.188819324Z {"action": "model_created", "client_ip": "", "context": {"http_request": {"args": {"query": "client_id=45675a1529281068f58c8109352dba2eda58328f&"}, "method": "GET", "path": "/api/v3/flows/executor/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/"}, "model": {"app": "authentik_providers_oauth2", "model_name": "refreshtoken", "name": "Refresh Token for OAuth2 Provider Lithnet OpenID for user testuser", "pk": 2}}, "event": "Created Event", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:46.188581", "user": {"email": "", "pk": 1546, "username": "testuser"}}
2022-06-20T17:36:46.192902937Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 16, "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "task_id": "e6e7262b-9d6f-42bf-b21d-c7587d1a7514", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:46.192735"}
2022-06-20T17:36:46.204998374Z {"event": "/api/v3/flows/executor/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/?", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "9ccf7495aa0e4c54a3f2709cdb70db3a", "runtime": 1485, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T17:36:46.204774", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
This is the logs starting from just after signing into authentik but before clicking the Lithnet app.
Hmm, the authorization seems to work correctly, but there's no request to the /o/token/ endpoint, not sure if it just uses the access token
Hmm, the authorization seems to work correctly, but there's no request to the /o/token/ endpoint, not sure if it just uses the access token
Here's the same logs with 2022.4.1 installed (on a clean install, so the IDs won't match; and this was the first login, so it also is setting the redirect URI).
2022-06-20T19:00:03.491972246Z {"auth_via": "secret_key", "event": "/api/v3/core/tenants/", "host": "localhost:8000", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "d4cb71964d964d74affc1c0b5d80ca37", "runtime": 42, "scheme": "http", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:03.491769", "user": "ak-outpost-b40bba6903d5446f966f68d4fb9a92d7", "user_agent": ""}
2022-06-20T19:00:24.259073091Z {"event": "/-/health/live/", "host": "localhost:8000", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "460fa503421c4aef9fcfc25884d7d4f1", "runtime": 7, "scheme": "http", "status": 204, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:24.258897", "user": "", "user_agent": ""}
2022-06-20T19:00:27.724100947Z {"event": "/-/health/ready/", "host": "localhost:9000", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "HEAD", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "2bf079a20e484bbfa7dfded9ab5e453f", "runtime": 10, "scheme": "http", "status": 204, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:27.723912", "user": "", "user_agent": " lifecycle Healthcheck"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.529819591Z {"event": "/application/o/lithnet/.well-known/openid-configuration", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "fe6879ac2dff4a4187eda4bea8c39cd6", "runtime": 56, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.529609", "user": "", "user_agent": "Microsoft ASP.NET Core OpenIdConnect handler"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.673055651Z {"event": "/application/o/lithnet/jwks/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "01da293efd624071aae4123b0383a04a", "runtime": 45, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.672868", "user": "", "user_agent": "Microsoft ASP.NET Core OpenIdConnect handler"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.719887908Z {"event": "Setting redirect for blank redirect_uris", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.providers.oauth2.views.authorize", "pid": 17, "redirect": "", "request_id": "0d4251636e2945b9af4187d181aa6091", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.719710"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.744340833Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 17, "request_id": "0d4251636e2945b9af4187d181aa6091", "task_id": "09fcf90f-ce08-43ca-a12b-bc0977510106", "task_name": "authentik.outposts.tasks.outpost_post_save", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.744177"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.755582998Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 17, "request_id": "0d4251636e2945b9af4187d181aa6091", "task_id": "d0b90495-0a7a-480c-9325-f1d4f4f5a778", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.755337"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.789691393Z {"event": "/application/o/authorize/?client_id=6314bc884bc1d9a9fa94a68efbb3192d71fd0ab3&", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "0d4251636e2945b9af4187d181aa6091", "runtime": 85, "scheme": "https", "status": 302, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.789496", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T19:00:29.823617789Z {"event": "/if/flow/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/?client_id=6314bc884bc1d9a9fa94a68efbb3192d71fd0ab3&", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "2c5d83738c014b728505dbf605ad429d", "runtime": 16, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:29.823409", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.184845082Z {"event": "/api/v3/core/tenants/current/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 17, "remote": "", "request_id": "18cff9a40ba74176a88215e103a1e67d", "runtime": 132, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.184557", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.224886260Z {"event": "/api/v3/root/config/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "ac781d5afba848838b16332318574485", "runtime": 155, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.222109", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.243811202Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 16, "request_id": "2b7624781d624be4b58deb9d6d20c3ec", "task_id": "e3e6a935-efc2-44dd-8097-30078ba5c47e", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.243124"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.254897868Z {"event": "Task published", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.root.celery", "pid": 16, "request_id": "2b7624781d624be4b58deb9d6d20c3ec", "task_id": "d33ccfd4-706b-4a8a-80e6-e2d56ef39c31", "task_name": "", "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.254513"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.267636629Z {"event": "/api/v3/flows/executor/default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent/?", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "2b7624781d624be4b58deb9d6d20c3ec", "runtime": 202, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.267396", "user": "testuser", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Safari/537.36"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.613943769Z {"event": "/application/o/token/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "POST", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "c71502798d154d17ad6c7fa1a3c2aeef", "runtime": 251, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.613737", "user": "", "user_agent": "Microsoft ASP.NET Core OpenIdConnect handler"}
2022-06-20T19:00:30.989569819Z {"event": "/application/o/userinfo/", "host": "", "level": "info", "logger": "authentik.asgi", "method": "GET", "pid": 16, "remote": "", "request_id": "57597ac31bdd415593b95536a97dd42e", "runtime": 33, "scheme": "https", "status": 200, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T19:00:30.989363", "user": "", "user_agent": "Microsoft ASP.NET Core OpenIdConnect handler"}
Ok, I'm pretty sure the error is because lithnet sends response_mode=form_post
, which was not supported in authentik 2022.4 (it was just ignored, the response mode would be set based on response_type
. Starting with 2022.5, support for form_post
was added, and I can reproduce the issue with 22.6.3
@water-pc can you try the latest beta build?
@water-pc can you try the latest beta build?
Yes. It works on the beta.
Describe the bug We are using authentik to authenticate to Lithnet with OAuth. If we upgrade authentik from 2022.4.1, we get an authentication error in Lithnet. Lithnet logs state that "Both 'id_token' and 'code' are null" No other changes were made besides upgrading the authentik version.
To Reproduce
return { "upn": user.attributes.get("upn", "") }
Expected behavior The normal request access page opens
Logs No error is generated in authentik.
Error in Lithnet is below:
2022-06-17 16:22:08.3636|ERROR|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectHandler|Exception occurred while processing message. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectProtocolException: IDX21334: Both 'id_token' and 'code' are null in OpenIdConnectProtocolValidationContext.ProtocolMessage received from Authorization Endpoint. Cannot process the message. at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator.ValidateAuthenticationResponse(OpenIdConnectProtocolValidationContext validationContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectHandler.HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync() 2022-06-17 16:22:08.3636|ERROR|Lithnet.AccessManager.Service.AppSettings.OidcAuthenticationProvider|The authentication provider returned an error Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectProtocolException: IDX21334: Both 'id_token' and 'code' are null in OpenIdConnectProtocolValidationContext.ProtocolMessage received from Authorization Endpoint. Cannot process the message. at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator.ValidateAuthenticationResponse(OpenIdConnectProtocolValidationContext validationContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectHandler.HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync()
Version and Deployment:
Additional context We're using caddy (2.5.1) as a reverse proxy to authentik, but I don't think that is affecting the setup. The OAuth refresh code appears to have the same information between 2022.4.1 and 2022.6.2, as does the "Application authorized" event. Sorry, there's a bit of setup that goes with Lithnet, but the OpenID integration only has the Client ID, Client Secret, and Issuer. We built a test version of both Lithnet and authentik, so we can fairly quickly rebuild to swap between versions and authentik and get logs from either version.