goauthentik / authentik

The authentication glue you need.
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Support for Physical TOTP Devices (Cards/Tokens) #5584

Open tograss opened 1 year ago

tograss commented 1 year ago

Describe your question/ I would like to use a device like i.e this one https://www.amazon.de/Feitian-OTP-Token-Card/dp/B06Y2CF4Q7/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2265T6PK9DMSJ&keywords=otp+token+card&qid=1682601616&sprefix=otp+token+card%2Caps%2C295&sr=8-2 After buying you get the seed in an encrypted zip via mail and the code for the zip via sms.

Is it possible to use such a device with authentik. It would be also okay to directly edit the sql tables.

Relevant infos I tried setting the seed via mysql in the table otp_totp_totpdevice. However the codes can not be verified.

Thank you.

BeryJu commented 1 year ago

Interesting, I was not aware that that's how these kinds of devices worked! You should be able to edit the database to set the seed (which is currently the only way to do this) but you might also have to reset some other values in there

tograss commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback. I tried setting the seed, but unfortunately it does not work. Any ideas what other values to reset ? Is it correct that authentik uses sha1 as hashing algorithm for totp?