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Extending the user Library Page #8739

Open masterdot opened 2 months ago

masterdot commented 2 months ago

Describe your question/ Is there an easy way to extend/ modify the user library page? I did find this here: web/src/user/LibraryPage/LibraryPage.ts and it looks like the page im looking for. I want to extend the ui a bit, add a footer with status information etc.

Is there a easy way for that? I didnt anything regarding this topic.

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kensternberg-authentik commented 2 months ago

Hi, @masterdot! There are two different places where you could make this change. The first is in web/src/user/UserInterface.ts:UserInterfacePresentation.render(); anything added to that will appear on the bottom of all pages that the User can see, including the settings. The other is web/src/user/LibraryPage/LibraryPageImpl.ts:LibraryPage.render(); adding to that will provide information on the page with the Applications list, but not on any of the settings.

The pages are pretty robust and can withstand changes, but you might want to keep them as patches so you can apply your changes to any future updates. Do recall that we use Lit and ShadowDOM heavily; importing CSS into the ShadowDOM is, frankly, a bit tricky now and then.

macmoritz commented 2 months ago

What do you think of the option to add custom (dynamic) tiles? The first step could be displaying attributes of an user, which we can change on event or periodically. Later (roughly speaking) allow displaying stages as tiles (filled with results of policies).

masterdot commented 2 months ago

thanks for the tips :) but: where do i find the files in a docker install?

kensternberg-authentik commented 2 months ago

@masterdot I'm afraid that if you want to make these modifications, you'll have to start from the developer edition; it's not something you could modify once it's bundled into the Docker container.

macmoritz commented 1 month ago

From my point this is forth a feature request. Would be great if we could configure custom tiles in the deployment / in the admin interfact.