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Jellyfin LDAP Bind User Permissions #9770

Open betterthanever2 opened 2 weeks ago

betterthanever2 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm trying to configure LDAP integration with Jellyfin, and can't get past setting the server settings - Connect (Success); Bind: Insufficient Access Rights.

The instruction (https://docs.goauthentik.io/integrations/services/jellyfin/) is pretty vague on this:

Ideally, this user doesn't have any permissions other than the ability to view other users. However, some functions do require an account with permissions.

What specific permissions must be set here? I tried setting "Can preview user data sent to providers", "Can view User", "Can view user source connection", "View applications the user has access to", as well as a bunch LDAP-related ones, but no effect.

mdallaire commented 1 week ago

You will need to configure the ldap provider to use a ldapsearch group and make the user you have configured for ldap bind a member of that group.


betterthanever2 commented 1 week ago

I have done all of those things. I'm getting "Insufficient Access Rights" in the plugin setup UI, and ldap_bind: Insufficient access (50) with ldap-utils