gobbledegook / creevey

Phoenix Slides
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Request: Fill image to width of screen #16

Open AkaXaka opened 1 year ago

AkaXaka commented 1 year ago

Loving Phoenix Slides!

One thing to make it even better would be the option to make the images fill the full width of the screen (and then overflow horizontally). It would fit neatly as a feature alongside Fit horizontally and Original size.

gobbledegook commented 6 months ago

A couple of questions:

  1. Is this a setting that you would want on all the time, or something that you would just apply to individual images from time to time?
  2. "Fill width" would apply to images that are relatively tall, so when you expand the width you'd cut off the top and bottom of the image. Do you also want the inverse, e.g., you have an image of a long horizontal mural, would you want to "fill the height" and cut off the left/right sides?
AkaXaka commented 5 months ago
  1. All the time
  2. With fill-width I would expect to be able to scroll down to see the rest of the image. If [ ] is your screen, it would work like this: [X] X X and then scroll: X [X] X

    2b. If there's a long horizontal mural, then I would expect to be able to press another button to go for "Fill Height" and scroll horizontally (left to right)

gobbledegook commented 5 months ago

ohhhh so this would be like tall comic mode?