gobbledegook / creevey

Phoenix Slides
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Timeline strip option #2

Open josh-nz opened 10 years ago

josh-nz commented 10 years ago


I LOVE Phoenix Slides. My use case is sorting a lot of photos I take of my son. I shoot hundreds, and then move through them deleting a lot and keeping the best. This often requires flipping back and forwards between several very similar shots.

With 10.6.8 I used Preview, and it worked fine. I would use the left-hand vertical film strip preview to see where I was in my collection, especially with regard to similar photos.

However, under 10.9 Preview is far too slow to update the main photo when moving up and down in the film strip. At one patch level (10.9.3 I think), this seemed to massively improve. Under 10.9.4 it's super slow again. Eg, move up several photos in the film strip then stop. It takes a good second or to display the full image. This is just too slow to do the quick back-and-forwards that I use to decide on a one photo out of a similar set to keep.

So I found Phoenix Slides. It is faster than Preview under 10.6.8, so thank you! The only thing I miss if the film strip like preview to give me a visual indicator as to where I am in my collection and with regards to similar sets of photos.

Is there any chance such a feature could find it's way in to a future release?