gobbledegook / creevey

Phoenix Slides
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Scrolling with a wheel mouse should only advance a slideshow picture by one image #22

Open jtermine opened 8 months ago

jtermine commented 8 months ago

Scrolling manually with a conventional Logitech wheel mouse will advance the picture being displayed by several photos with each "jump" of the wheel groove. It should only advance the pictures by one.

gobbledegook commented 8 months ago

This is a tricky one... afaik there's no API to determine the number of "jumps" for a scroll wheel event. Also the user's mouse preferences (under "System Preferences -> Mouse -> Tracking Speed") will also affect the scroll value being passed to the app. Since I don't have the same mouse as you, I might have to ask you to log some numbers as you scroll, if you want to run a test app specifically for that purpose.