gobbledegook / creevey

Phoenix Slides
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Enhancement request: slideshow in resizeable window mode #35

Open k939kk opened 5 months ago

k939kk commented 5 months ago

Thank you for this great and nifty software. I discovered this gem while looking for a substitute for xee2.2

Suggest a few improvements with reference to this closed issue: https://github.com/gobbledegook/creevey/issues/12

  1. The window should resize "automatically" to the image displayed. Currently the window is larger than the images opened with black filler. When we scroll through the images, the window should keep automatically resizing so as to fit the image. In this new behavior, images should fill the window.

  2. An option to start Phoenix slides in the above mode. Right now, when i double click an image it will start the slide in full-screen. No option to start a slideshow in window mode. This new option (checkbox) may be added in Preferences:Slideshow > when opening files from the finder >start slideshow > "Open in window mode"

  3. When opening any file from the finder, NOT to show the separate browser window.

Thank you again.

gobbledegook commented 5 months ago

I'm not convinced (1) is good user interface. Also, what would the expected behavior when the image is larger than the screen? Would you want the window to expand to fill as much of the screen as possible?

mscuthbert commented 5 months ago

Other views that have this feature (Ifranview on windows; abacus's Image Viewer) limit so that if the image is larger the size of the screen then it's shown in the largest window that can fit, and then the "Show Large Images at Actual Size" setting kicks in. It's a nice feature when scrolling through folders that have lots of small images -- takes as little screen space as possible.

k939kk commented 5 months ago

I'm not convinced (1) is good user interface. Also, what would the expected behavior when the image is larger than the screen? Would you want the window to expand to fill as much of the screen as possible?

When I am going through a lot of images where there are lots of small and medium images it is a great ux/feature to have as it takes just the optimal screen space (same height and width as image). When image is larger than screen size, it will follow the current behavior of showing in the largest window it can fit -with the change: window size aspect ratio should be same as of image.

ylluminate commented 2 months ago

Two remarks:

Thus, I would request, please give us a "Open in Window Mode (not Fullscreen)" option in the app Settings.