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Phoenix Slides
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Bug: sometimes suddenly wrong Picture Rotation in Full-Screen Show after editing a photo in active folder #55

Open WolfgangFranke opened 2 months ago

WolfgangFranke commented 2 months ago

Phoenix Slides 1.5.9 (and 1.5.8 and probably some before). The Image Orientation always works fine after loading a folder first time, in both, full-screen mode and thumbnail view.

But, when I edit an "upright format" photo shown in current folder, e.g. I work in Photoshop Elements and save it, then it looks like the Phoenix Slides automated folder-scan realizes the changed file modify time, but messes up the orientation flag. Sometimes the full-screen mode suddenly opens the "upright format" photo the wrong way rotated in "landscape format".

I did not find a way to force a re-read of the folder, so I need to quit Phoenix Slides and restart, then this photo will be displayed in correct orientation again. I believe just disabling and re-enabling the "Automatic Picture Rotation" (in German it is "Automatisch ausrichten nach Bildausrichtungs-Markierung") also brings Phoenix Slides back to handle this photo's rotation correctly.

I was not able to reliably reproduce this problem, but it happened often enough to say the Bug exists.