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Arguments to path.resolve must be strings #86

Open Flaise opened 9 years ago

Flaise commented 9 years ago

I have a src folder with a bunch of .js, .ts, and .jsx files directly in it and in subdirectories. With a gulpfile like this: module.exports = gobble('./src/'), the output of executing node ./node_modules/gobble-cli/lib/index.js build dist -f is an exception:

TypeError: Arguments to path.resolve must be strings
    at Object.win32.resolve (path.js:111:13)
    at Object.win32.relative (path.js:236:14)
    at <project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\dist\sorcery.js:282:23
    at Array.map (native)
    at Chain.apply (<project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\dist\sorcery.js:281:24)
    at processWriteOptions (<project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\dist\sorcery.js:29:18)
    at Chain.write (<project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\dist\sorcery.js:304:30)
    at <project>\src\utils\flattenSourcemaps.js:16:20
    at lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch (<project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\node_modules\sander\node_modules\es6-promise\dist\es6-promise.js:331:16)
    at lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback (<project>\node_modules\gobble\node_modules\sorcery\node_modules\sander\node_modules\es6-promise\dist\es6-promise.js:343:17)

It displays this stack trace twice before the build process ends. The flattenSourcemaps line in the stack trace doesn't make sense to me because there's definitely no /src/utils folder in my project. I'm using gobble 0.10.2, gobble-cli 0.4.2, and Node 0.12.0 on Windows 7.