gobengo / distbin

distributed social pastebin using Activitypub
Apache License 2.0
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Feature Request : Install in a sub_path #20

Open yalh76 opened 5 years ago

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Would be interesting to be able to install it in a sub_path like http://www.example.com/distbin Maybe the externalUrl: process.env.EXTERNAL_URL could be add to different links and mechanisms ^^

gobengo commented 5 years ago

It is nice when a web app has a built-in for this sort of thing, but it takes a bunch of code to get right in an app. It's not just prefixing URI routes, different users have different expectations about also rewriting Set-Cookie headers, how to deal with redirects, etc. It's a lot of code to maintain for something that's not core and distinct. If there's a library I can drop in, I'd consider adding it, otherwise I don't expect to add this soon.

Instead, I would recommend anyone hoping to deploy this at a subpath to instead route traffic first to a reverse proxy like nginx, have nginx rewrite URIs/headers/etc, then proxy_pass traffic to distbin.

i.e. put a filter in front of distbin that does whatever you want, including subpath routing

gobengo commented 5 years ago

I'll leave this open until that functionality is added or there is example code and docs on how to do that with nginx.

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Well I tried installation managed using nginx rewrite: ` location /distbin/ {

if ($scheme = http) { rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent; } proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_buffering off;
sub_filter '"https://example.com/' '"https://example.com/distbin/'; sub_filter '"/' '"./'; sub_filter_last_modified off;
sub_filter_once off; } `

Rewrite of link works well but there something that nginx can't manage:

gobengo commented 5 years ago

response url is provided but it's not the good one as the responsedoesn't go threw nginx

Will you elaborate on what URL 'is provided' and how/where? And what 'the good one' would be?

Next week I should be able to recreate this and see what's up, but that info will help me think through it until then.

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Hard to explain, better with an example... On https://test2.yh.yalh.net/distbin I wrote a post : https://test2.yh.yalh.net/distbin/activities/e44615fc-5d40-4770-a524-d5e035c8113b

Joined the source of the post from distbin-db/activities data%3Abase64,dXJuOnV1aWQ6ZTQ0NjE1ZmMtNWQ0MC00NzcwLWE1MjQtZDVlMDM1YzgxMTNi.txt { "type": "Create", "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "cc": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" ], "object": { "id": "urn:uuid:2d3a77f5-c259-428f-9c71-30e4057d5d95", "content": "# Test 3B", "generator": { "name": "distbin-html", "type": "Application", "url": "https://test2.yh.yalh.net/distbin" }, "type": "Note" }, "id": "urn:uuid:e44615fc-5d40-4770-a524-d5e035c8113b", "published": "2019-03-15T19:27:40.039Z" } So the file is OK

But I look at the post himself: https://test2.yh.yalh.net/distbin/activities/e44615fc-5d40-4770-a524-d5e035c8113b, there are some errors for some fields:


yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Will you elaborate on what URL 'is provided' and how/where? And what 'the good one' would be? The URL used seems to be https://test2.yh.yalh.net but the good one would be https://test2.yh.yalh.net/distbin

gobengo commented 5 years ago

@yalh76 I made some changes to make this possible, released as v1.2.0 and illustrated how they can be used with nginx over here: https://github.com/gobengo/distbin/tree/master/etc/distbin-nginx-subpath

Try it out and let me know if it helps?

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Perfect working fine, implemented, tested and gone to production. Two points:

  1. From https://github.com/gobengo/distbin/blob/master/etc/distbin-nginx-subpath/nginx.conf, I had to not use: rewrite ^/distbin/(.*) /$1 break;, using it, it redirect me to the Yunohost panel, maybe something specific on Yunohost
  2. on the Public page, there is an error in fetched from URL: (not important but to let you know) Capture1 Capture2
gobengo commented 5 years ago

@yalh76 Were both of those images real screenshots? What is the difference between the configurations (ostensibly EXTERNAL_URL values + nginx.conf are what matters) for which the two images were captured?

This is where that URL is built: https://github.com/gobengo/distbin/blob/57ee1e9ba98ed49272883ea8185b047ccfac95f1/src/distbin-html/public.ts#L84

distbin-html and the core distbin api are run logically separate. Traffic first comes into distbin-html, and then distbin-html makes JSON API calls to distbin. apiUrl is the internal URL to the distbin API. (apiUrl is almost always something like http://localhost:{randomFreePort} regardless of configuration.

EDIT: I can just build this URL with a bit more awareness for if externalUrl ends in a trailing slash. I will do so. I would still like to know what your config values were set to so I can explicitly test and make sure what I do works. Was it EXTERNAL_URL=https://distbin.yalh.net/mydistbin/ in the first screenshot and EXTERNAL_URL=https://distbin.yalh.net/ in the second?

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Yes they where real screenshots, took from the same instance, the second one was took after using a change_url script from Yunohost that let us move an application from one url to another one.

To make it cleaner, I reinstalled two fresh from scratch distbin.

  1. https://distbin.yalh.net
  2. https://distbin2.yalh.net/mydistbin

I put for each the actual configuration .ENV and nginx configuration:

  1. https://distbin.yalh.net/public
  2. https://distbin2.yalh.net/mydistbin/public

and yes it's EXTERNAL_URL=https://distbin2.yalh.net/mydistbin/ and EXTERNAL_URL=https://distbin.yalh.net/ like you indicatedin the readme ^^

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

I just installed two other distbin removing the ending / for EXTERNAL_URL=

  1. one on the root: https://distbin3.yalh.net
  2. one on a subpath: https://distbin4.yalh.net/mydistbin

Removing the ending / cause new problem:

  1. https://distbin3.yalh.net/activities/9eed8b93-5f13-4ead-96ac-8d7a932ada27 Failed to fetch replies at https://distbin3.yalh.net/activities/9eed8b93-5f13-4ead-96ac-8d7a932ada27/replies (code 404)

  2. the link rewrite doesn't work: all go to the root path instead of the sub_path

PS: all the distbin instance may be available from internet

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Maybe it comes from the way the url is generated : pageUrl.replace(apiUrl, externalUrl); https://github.com/gobengo/distbin/blob/57ee1e9ba98ed49272883ea8185b047ccfac95f1/src/distbin-html/public.ts#L84

in other pages, it uses urlResolve(externalUrl,"./public", ) https://github.com/gobengo/distbin/blob/57ee1e9ba98ed49272883ea8185b047ccfac95f1/src/distbin-html/partials.ts#L93


gobengo commented 5 years ago

@yalh76 Yeah, I'm realizing that even url.resolve is no good because it assumes externalUrl will end in a trailing slash and: urlResolve('https://mysite.com/distbin', './foo') is https://mysite.com/foo. I need a like... urlConcat that takes into account whether externalUrl ends in a slash. Easy enough to make as a utility function and replace all uses of urlResolve or just String.replace, but can't do right this sec, as I have some other deadlines.

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

not urgent ^^ even with // it's working