goblinrefuge / goblinrefuge-mediagoblin

Gnu MediaGoblin customized for GoblinRefuge.com
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upload processing fail #1

Open salixh5 opened 9 years ago

salixh5 commented 9 years ago

upload ID 1900 failed to process despite it being a normal webm file I created with ffmpeg/libvpx

goblinrefuge commented 9 years ago

I have confirmed that this file fails to process on my test instance as well. I will investigate and see if I can find what the issue is.

salixh5 commented 9 years ago

Maybe something with the codecs? Upload with ID 1900 I used vp9 and opus, and now I basically made another file with the same method, but used vp8 with vorbis (ID 1923) and it worked. Granted, it seems like mediagoblin doesn't transcode at all when using vp8/vorbis so that also makes a difference.

goblinrefuge commented 9 years ago

That sounds pretty likely. I installed some additional opus codec tools, but the file still fails to process on my test instance. I'll bring up the issue upstream with the mediagoblin devs and see if they have any suggestions. The transcoding backend is due to be updated soon (gstreamer0.10 -> gstreamer1.x), so this might get fixed automagically when that happens.