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Generate flow-insensitive YAML witness invariants with ghosts for privatized variables #1394

Open sim642 opened 3 months ago

sim642 commented 3 months ago

This is a quick implementation of the idea we had a long time ago for exporting our protected invariants into YAML witnesses with ghosts.

protection privatization

For the Freiburg mutex.c example, we essentially generate the same witness with ghosts as the example:

This is still our special flow_insensitive_invariant because there's the question where one would place the location_invariant when our result in fact holds at every point.

Currently tested only manually with:

./goblint ~/Documents/concurrency-witnesses/examples/VEWIT2023/mutex.c --enable ana.sv-comp.functions --set pre.cppflags[+] "-DGOBLINT_NO_PTHREAD_ONCE" --html --set ana.activated[+] mutexGhosts --enable witness.yaml.enabled --set witness.yaml.entry-types[+] flow_insensitive_invariant

mutex-meet privatization

For this example, the result is the same, but one invariant is generated per-mutex with a conjunction for all the protected variables. Also for the relational privatization.