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Printing of `Apron` values very slow #1513

Open michael-schwarz opened 2 weeks ago

michael-schwarz commented 2 weeks ago

With verbose mode, we observe terrible slowdowns that seem to be due to very slow pretty-printing.

Currently, they are not considered which is bad for long-running benchmarks where privPrecCompare may take a long time or even fail to terminate.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

Turns out almost all the time is spent constructing and printing pretty_diffs:

      (if D.leq v1 v2 then nil else dprintf "diff: %a\n" D.pretty_diff (v1, v2))
      (if D.leq v2 v1 then nil else dprintf "reverse diff: %a\n" D.pretty_diff (v2, v1))

This takes several orders of magnitude more than just doing the comparisons.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

It seems to be somehow not the actual implementation inside apronDomain.ml of pretty_diff though: That can be commented out to return Pretty.nil and the slowdown still stays.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

The culprit seems to in fact be D.pretty () calls...

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

Which in turn come from Apron, so there must be something super slow happening in Apron.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

The flamegraph on the other hand hints at a majority of time (90%) being spent in camlGoblintCil__Pretty__breakString_148 with almost all of that time being spent in camlStdlib__Bytes__sub_341


Perf data in Firefox format: https://gigamove.rwth-aachen.de/en/download/039038f988c7dfbc813e63447a35a0b1(accessible until 07.10).

This does not seem to be a blocker for my thesis, as I will generate missing reports manually in non-verbose mode, but we should look at it.

sim642 commented 6 days ago

Apparently the Pretty.text primitive directly uses that but does something involved under the hood to break the text up further (based on \n). It's just the massive strings of Apron constraints that it takes so long to split.

I suspect the Apron printer is using Format with some small output width and causing line breaks where we don't want them anyway. I think I've noticed this in tracing output before as well, but never looked into it.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

Maybe something can be done here by using String.split_on_char?

See e.g. the performance numbers reported here: https://gist.github.com/mooreryan/220b47feea6b253630dab09c4b6ed18c

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago


this seems to avoid all of the intermediate allocating.

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago
  let custom_text (s:string) = 
    let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' s in
    let rec doit = function
      | [] -> nil
      | [x1] -> text x1
      | x1::xs -> (text x1) ++ line ++ doit xs
    doit lines

  let pretty () (x:t) = custom_text (show x)

instead of

  let pretty () (x:t) = text (show x)

Already goes from me running out of patience and killing it (while not even 1/4 done) after

real    6m20,054s
user    6m18,380s
sys     0m1,252s


real    2m25,576s
user    2m13,037s
sys     0m2,895s

That solution obviously is not tail-recursive, but even if we allow some overhead for that it still seems to be the clearly superior approach. My guess would be that the performance of this changed when OCaml switched to immutable strings with 4.04 (?).

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

This is actual even almost a case of tail_mod_cons, but it's not clear to the compiler because Cons is hidden behind (++).

michael-schwarz commented 6 days ago

I let it run to the end

real    20m10,677s
user    19m51,909s
sys     0m4,897s

So the difference is almost an order of magnitude.