goblint / bench

The benchmark suite
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Investigate Benchmarks from Hong & Ryu 2023 (ICSE '23) #52

Closed michael-schwarz closed 9 months ago

michael-schwarz commented 1 year ago

In this recent work by Hong & Ryu https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.10943.pdf, they used Goblint as part of the baseline toolchain they compared with.

p. 9 has a long table of benchmark programs. Those are interesting in two ways:

They have a replication package here that probably also contains the benchmarks: https://zenodo.org/record/7573490

vesalvojdani commented 1 year ago

This is a very good suite!

sim642 commented 9 months ago

These have now been merged into our suite and basic investigation has been done and documented. More thorough per-benchmark investigation is to be done separately for the PDLI paper.