gobolinux / Compile

The GoboLinux build tool
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NewVersion - bad links with letters in version numbering #11

Open Barrocas opened 7 years ago

Barrocas commented 7 years ago

When making a command like this:

NewVersion wifi-radar 2.0.s10 http://wifi-radar.tuxfamily.org/pub/wifi-radar-2.0.s10.tar.bz2

The problem is when there are letters in the program version numbering ( s10 , i586 , x64 ).

It will get more complicated now with Gobo-016, since there will be the need for 32bit and 64bit recipe versions, with 'i686' or 'x86_64' or 'x64' in the version numbering.

Another example:

NewVersion jre 8u112_i586 http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/funtoo/distfiles/oracle-java/jre-8u112-linux-i586.tar.gz

Barrocas commented 7 years ago


Architecture recipes should be made like this:


So the second example listed ( jre-8u112_i586 ) is a just a bad example of how not to make a recipe.

But the issue is still valid, if the recipe version numbering contains letters (as in the first example).