gobolinux / Compile

The GoboLinux build tool
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Proposal: add --update or a similar tag to Compile (--update-scripts perhaps) #25

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hello lucas and hisham and everyone else,

I just had run Compile but python 3.x linked in. Compile complained but it also showed the following:

Compile: Your Scripts package is too old. Please update it by running 'InstallPackage Scripts'.

My suggestion is:

(1) Perhaps Compile itself could also have a way to update (itself and/or also the Scripts collection)

I know from the ruby issue tracker that the ruby core team often wants explanations or even more importantly, a use case as to why, so here goes.

lucasvr commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, and apologies for the late response.

We're going to ship Compile and Scripts as checked-out git trees for the coming 017 release. This way you will be able to update them by simply invoking git pull. The packages in 017_alpha already ships them like that, so I'm closing this issue for now.