gobolinux / Compile

The GoboLinux build tool
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"make install" and Resources/Defaults/Settings #36

Closed lucasvr closed 4 years ago

lucasvr commented 4 years ago

When one builds a recipe featuring a Resources/Defaults/Settings directory, Compile will place those files under /Programs/Name/Version/Resources, and SymlinkProgram will take care of copying them over to /Programs/Name/Settings.

When a recipe does not include Resources/Defaults/Settings, however, "make install" will overwrite settings files from previous versions of the same package at /Programs/Name/Settings. It looks like the most sensible thing to do is to:

  1. Let 'make install' copy settings files to /Programs/Name/Version/Resources/Defaults/Settings
  2. Overwrite files at /P/N/V/Resources with a recursive copy of the recipe's default settings, if that exists
  3. Invoke UpdateSettings through SymlinkProgram (we already do this)

This approach, at the very least, prevents problems with lost or missing settings files after the compilation of a frequently updated package.

hishamhm commented 4 years ago

Makes sense :+1: