gobolinux / Installer

The GoboLinux installer application
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Failed to run PostInstall scripts and failed to install GRUB #11

Open dabernado opened 6 years ago

dabernado commented 6 years ago


I have been trying to install GoboLinux to my SSD today, to no avail. I've gone through the Installer many times and have tried many things, but the same two things keep happening:

1) The PostInstall scripts for the packages that are supposed to have PostInstall scripts are failing to run. Each failure is because there is no PostInstall directory in the package's folder 2) GRUB2 always fails to install. My laptop has a regular BIOS motherboard (no UEFI) and the partition table on my SSD is msdos. I have tried one single ext4 partition marked as bootable and an ext4 partition in addition to a bootable vFAT partition. Using the ladder, I was able to select the option of installing GRUB to the bootable partition instead of the entire disk, but I received the same results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I had not deselected the installation of any core packages in the installation process, except for glibc (I was planning to install musl, if anyone had some insight on Gobo's compatability with musl that would be awesome).