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MPFR 4.2.1 #207

Closed sage-etcher closed 5 months ago

Nuc1eoN commented 5 months ago

Thanks! Can I ask why you have specified two url's for the same file? Usually we only make use of it if several different files are necessairy for the build to succeed.

If your goal was to specify a backup mirror(?) the official way to do so is using mirror_url=<url> or mirror_urls=(<array of urls>) respectively (as per https://wiki.gobolinux.org/Recipes/Recipe-Format-Specification/index.html#mirror_urlurl). Tbh I have never tried this, so better to test whether this works prior! :smile:

Rest LGTM.

sage-etcher commented 5 months ago

My apologies! Yes, I had meant it as a mirror.

The previous versions of MPFR used 'mpfr-current' for the URL, which is only viable while that version is 'current', thereafter, the archive file is removed from the folder and the link is dead. The goal was to add a more stable URL, that doesn't break with each MPFR release.

Thank you! =DD

Nuc1eoN commented 5 months ago

That looks much better! Well done on testing the functionality of mirror_url, so we can be sure it's safe to use!

Oh good catch about the archive file, that has indeed slipped my attention on first review :thinking: . Frankly I've never seen this happen – usually, archive files are being saved under /Data/Compile/Archives/. Great that you took notice and fixed it in your latest commit.

And thank you for your concise summaries, that is really helpful.

Merging =)