gobolinux / Recipes

The GoboLinux recipes repository
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Expat 2.6.2 #210

Closed sage-etcher closed 5 months ago

Nuc1eoN commented 5 months ago

Hi Sage, thanks a lot!

Before I merge (and since these are your first recipes), I would love to hear how you created them :) Did you use NewVersion (which bases off a new recipe on the previous one) or create them manually? Or a different method?

Did you use ContributeRecipe or push the PRs manually?

Did you compile and test the recipes on your end? I just want to make sure that everything is in line.

If you encounter any issues (Gobo is in a quite unpolished state sadly, incl. its docs) feel free to reach out on #gobolinux irc. I respond mostly within 24h :) The forums are down curently.

sage-etcher commented 5 months ago


First, I made sure that they would install/run properly using the PrepareProgram, SandboxInstall, and SymlinkProgram scripts. After verifying functionality I'd used NewVersion, however the url and dir weren't updating properly, so I manually updated them in the Recipe file. Next, I'd tried to use ContributeRecipe, but couldn't get it to work. Instead, I manually forked this repo, updated remotes, committed changes to branches, and finally sent the PRs.

Is that alright procedure?

edit: I don't think there's an issue with ContributeRecipe, I am fairly confident the problems were caused by user error.

Nuc1eoN commented 5 months ago

Hi Sage!

That sounds alright to me, congrats!

About NewVersion, usually I find it quite reliable, however there are some Recipes that it has problems with. FYI you can pass a new URL to NewVersion like this: NewVersion <package> <version> <new_url>. NewVersion attempts to automatically determine the new url but in case it fails to do so (https://github.com/gobolinux/Compile/issues/11), explicitly stating it should work 99% of cases (unless more than one url= entries are necessairy). Sometimes when NewVersion doesn't work or bigger changes are necessairy, I will use MakeRecipe instead. It has the advantage that it will auto-regenerate the Dependencies file with up-to-date dependencies.

Not sure why you've had an issue with dir. Certainly those are issues that need to be adressed within NewVersion.

ContributeRecipe is a beast in itself ^_^. For instance it only works with https (no ssh sadly) and therefore, if your github account has second factor auth it can be tedious to set up. The wiki attempts to guide you through the process. However even if that works, ContributeRecipe is a pain when your contribution fails (e.g. auth went wrong), because your working tree with the failed contribution will be on a temporary branch. The wiki describes how to solve that dilemma

Personally I like to use ContributeRecipe, but for newcomers it is better to do it manually (and for larger batches anyways). At least until ContributeRecipe will get improved in the future.

I'm glad you managed to find your way around despite the hurdles. I believe if we can get past some buggy behaviour in the tools GoboLinux can be a geniously fun experience! :)

The PR looks good I am gonna merge! Well done and thank you!