gobolinux / Recipes

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HexEdit 1.6 #225

Closed sage-etcher closed 4 months ago

Nuc1eoN commented 4 months ago

Hi thank you for the recipe! :)

It seems you have not been 100% sure what the best naming for this package would be. Allow me to make a suggestion. According to the GoboLinux naming conventions:

  1. If the capitalization is undefined (ie, all-lowercase) or inconsistent (for example, showing up in different forms in the README), our set of capitalization rules, as defined by the NamingConventions script, apply.

I believe this is the case here. The original author mostly writes it as "hexedit", although on the project website it is all-capitalized ("HEXEDIT").

NamingConventions hexedit outputs HexEdit and I believe that's a good name to be chosen here :)

What do you think?

sage-etcher commented 4 months ago

That makes sence yes, I updated it to such! Thank you!

Nuc1eoN commented 4 months ago
