If the package cache is empty, InstallPackage behaves differently than if it's up-to-date.
In the example below, the cache is empty, and is populated from the remote package store by InstallPackage itself. Once the cache is prepared, InstallPackage fails (even though it finds the camel-case version of the program in the cache):
root@LiveCD ~]InstallPackage bitchx
InstallPackage: Locating a binary package for bitchx ...
InstallPackage: Package for bitchx not found.
: Downloading updated remote lists... |
: Loading lists... \
InstallPackage: Did you mean this? BitchX
InstallPackage: Package for bitchx not found.
A second attempt to install the package now succeeds:
root@LiveCD ~]InstallPackage bitchx
InstallPackage: Locating a binary package for bitchx ...
InstallPackage: Installing http://gobolinux.org/packages/016/BitchX--20161128-GIT--x86_64.tar.bz2
InstallPackage: Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to cancel.
If the package cache is empty, InstallPackage behaves differently than if it's up-to-date.
In the example below, the cache is empty, and is populated from the remote package store by InstallPackage itself. Once the cache is prepared, InstallPackage fails (even though it finds the camel-case version of the program in the cache):
A second attempt to install the package now succeeds: