gobridge / workshops

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San Francisco - Date: February 2016 - Course: Building Web Apps With Go - Venue: Sagan Systems #20

Closed allyvigil closed 8 years ago

allyvigil commented 8 years ago

Organizers: @Randommood, @freeformz Venue: Sagan Systems, 611 Mission St. San Francisco Date: February 2016

For organizer/s or sponsor

Logistic items

(Issue ready :dart: to be labeled as scheduled :boom::v::tada::balloon::rocket: after all tasks above are completed:exclamation:)

A couple weeks before the event

Continue taking the actions necessary to bring issue to a scheduled status according to our issue workflow.

After event is labeled as scheduled

rachelmyers commented 8 years ago

Do you need help finding volunteers or is do you have plenty of people??

carlisia commented 8 years ago

Hi @rachelmyers we would love help finding volunteers! How do you usually go about it?

rachelmyers commented 8 years ago

I can probably help! I'll wait until there's a Bridge Troll event (or other rsvp link) before I start pointing people to sign up. Will they need to attend a teacher training?

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@rachelmyers thank you! And, I'll get back re: teacher training.

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@rachelmyers I'm having a organizer training this Saturday at 1PM PST via Google Hangout with a couple of organizers. If you know of anyone interested in joining please let me know. It might turn into a teacher training session as well.

rachelmyers commented 8 years ago

I'll ask around. For clarification, if people definitely don't want to organize, but want to help TA and teach, will they feel like they're in someone else's meeting?

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@rachelmyers absolutely not! If anyone feels like that we would have to work to fix something! :)

We love having extra TAs in our workshops and hope they'll be inspired to become teachers. I don't know yet who will be teaching but we are in the process of figuring these things out.

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@allyvigil, I had a meeting with the organizers today. We are all set for February, will give you a specific date very soon. Please let us know: how many people would you like to cap the event at?

Once we get the date @freeformz is going to open and publish the Bridge Troll event.

Also, @jboursiquot is going to be helping move things forward, he is part of GoBridge.

@rachelmyers and everyone: we need to recruit more TAs and volunteers. So far we have @Randommood.

tedyoung commented 8 years ago

I'd like to volunteer, what's the best way for me to get involved?

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@tedyoung awesome! Let's wait for the organizers to figure out the date and publish the event on Bridge Troll, then you can sign up there to be a TA of volunteer.

We are going to have a organizer and a teacher training before the workshop and it will be noted here so anyone can join either session.

allyvigil commented 8 years ago

@carlisia Thanks so much for the update, and sorry I couldn't make the meeting. The event should be capped 50, to be safe.

rachelmyers commented 8 years ago

@carlisia, Yep! I'm happy to help recruit teachers and TAs, and I'll hold off until they can check the exact date and RSVP. :+1:

freeformz commented 8 years ago

Date is tentatively 2/27/2016 + 2/28/2016.

freeformz commented 8 years ago

Date is confirmed with @allyvigil

jboursiquot commented 8 years ago

Organizer/Teacher training scheduled for Jan 23rd, 1pm EST.

carlisia commented 8 years ago

@tedyoung I'd love to see you getting involved. The workshop event signup is up, join in as a volunteer! https://www.bridgetroll.org/events/239

tedyoung commented 8 years ago

@carlisia I may have a conflict on Day 2 of the workshop, is it still helpful if I only volunteer for day 1?

freeformz commented 8 years ago

@tedyoung Yes!

tedyoung commented 8 years ago

@freeformz Cool. Volunteered!

tedyoung commented 8 years ago

I noticed the Org/Teacher training is tomorrow, where would I find details? @jboursiquot?

jboursiquot commented 8 years ago

@tedyoung I've invited you to the hangout. Just as a heads up, the first half is focused on organizer preparedness. We'll get into the teacher/TA side of things in the second half.

jboursiquot commented 8 years ago

Update: We conducted Organizer Training today. There was not enough time for Teacher Training. We'll need to pick a date to get both Teachers and TAs on the same hangout as the material will be relevant to both.

jboursiquot commented 8 years ago

@freeformz: we should pick a date that's a couple of days or so ahead of your workshop (or as soon as you have all your volunteers) to do a hangout for Teacher Training. Once we have the date, we'll publicize it on your BridgeTroll event page, similarly to how the Chicago RailsBridge has done for their workshop.

dmitshur commented 8 years ago

Hi, pardon the intrusion, but I wanted to ask something here because I couldn't quite find a definitive answer on the http://golangbridge.org/ site.

I'm someone who knows Go quite well and enjoys teaching others (assuming they're interested in learning), and I've heard (vaguely over twitter, etc.) that GoBridge may be looking for volunteers to teach/mentor people. I can't help organize workshops (being 1 person), but I'd love to join in some existing event if there's an opportunity for me to fill in a gap and help people learn Go or programming in general (or at least give it a try).

It looks like this event is happening in SF pretty soon, so it may be too late, and that's okay. But just in case it's possible, could someone please point me in the right direction where I could learn more, etc.?


timblair commented 8 years ago

Hi @shurcooL! Thanks for reaching out: it's always brilliant to have more people willing to help out.

This SF event is scheduled for this coming weekend. The event is being organised by @freeformz, so he's the best person to speak to about that event specifically. He's probably also a good person to chat to about other SF events in general (we don't have a central list of "people who'd like to volunteer.")

It might be worth you looking over the information in our organizing and workshop-material repos here on GitHub to give you an idea on how we organise and run the workshops.

dmitshur commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the info @timblair, I'll read up on those links and ask @freeformz how the situation is looking for the SF event this weekend. :+1:

freeformz commented 8 years ago

@shurcooL I see you found yourself to the #gobridge channel, which is what I was going to suggest to you.