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Remote 3-day introduction to Go #70

Closed jub0bs closed 3 years ago

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

Organizers: Julien Cretel (@jub0bs)

Venue: remote (on Jitsi)

Date: 13-15 January 2021 (9am-5pm, GMT+1)

Curriculum: https://www.humancoders.com/formations/go#outline (outline in French, though the course would likely be given in English, if people who speak English but not French register)

For organizer/s or sponsor

Logistic items

(Issue ready :dart: to be labeled as scheduled :boom::v::tada::balloon::rocket: after all tasks above are completed:exclamation:)

A couple weeks before the event

For GoBridge

First steps

Continue taking the actions necessary to bring issue to a scheduled status according to our issue workflow.

After event is labeled as scheduled

For lead organizer


Event date -1 week

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

I've long hesitated before opening this issue, because I usually give my course to no more than six participants (the course involves a lot of practice) and I tend to give it remotely rather than physically, these days. This would be my first GoBridge event, but it seems to me that the GoBridge event template is geared towards a bigger crowd and on-site events... Let me know.

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

Hi @jub0bs and thanks for volunteering your time for this.

Yes, the template needs some tweaks to make it more suitable for online events--thanks for the feedback.

Also, you can safely ignore the part about posting the event to Bridge Troll (another update for the template).

Are you part of an online Go meetup by chance? Is it managed through the Go Developer Network (GDN) Meetup.com account? I ask because that might be the easiest and most efficient way to post the event details and accept registrations. Let me know and we'll go from there.

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

@jboursiquot Thanks for your reply. Sorry for getting back to you so late. I stayed away from emails over Xmas.

Are you part of an online Go meetup by chance? Is it managed through the Go Developer Network (GDN) Meetup.com account? I ask because that might be the easiest and most efficient way to post the event details and accept registrations. Let me know and we'll go from there.

No, I'm afraid. I'm not a big fan of Meetup as a platform, to be honest. Also, I've just moved to a new place and there has been no IRL meetups there since then due to the health crisis.

I understand that you want to use a platform like Meetup for transparency purposes, correct? Let me know.

All the best, and Happy New Year!

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

I'll figure something out. It's better to close this issue. Thanks anyway.

ardan-bkennedy commented 3 years ago

Why are you closing this event? Let's talk, DM me on slack or email.

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

@ardan-bkennedy I had to postpone the event for various reasons. Also, not a big fan of using Meetup as a platform for registration.

ardan-bkennedy commented 3 years ago

Since this is a free event, using Meetup is in line with our use of Meetup for the GDN. Let's talk over email at some point because I think it would be valuable for the community to have you teach a workshop.