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Remote 3-day introduction to Go #72

Closed jub0bs closed 3 years ago

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

Organizers: Julien Cretel (@jub0bs)

Online: on Jitsi

Date: June 29th to July 1st 2021 (9am-5pm, GMT+1)

Curriculum: https://www.humancoders.com/formations/go#outline (in French)

We'll cover the fundamentals of the language, from a "Hello, World!" program all the way to the concurrency aspects, as well as some Web client and server code. A mini-project (a tool for checking the validity and availability of usernames on multiple platforms) will serve as a forcing function for introducing new concepts as we go. Emphasis is placed on practice (mini-project and and supporting exercises).

The material (slides) is in English, but the course will be given through French.

For organizer/s or sponsor

Logistic items

(Issue ready :dart: to be labeled as scheduled :boom::v::tada::balloon::rocket: after all applicable tasks above are completed:exclamation:)

For GoBridge

First steps

Continue taking the actions necessary to bring issue to a scheduled status according to our issue workflow.

After event is labeled as scheduled

For lead organizer


Event date -1 week

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

Note that, although this event will take place online, because it place emphasis on practice and exercises, I can only accept a limited number of participants.

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

Hey @jub0bs, seems like the course is a paid one. Will you have discount codes for students to register for free?

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

Hey @jboursiquot. Sorry about the confusion! The course is normally a paid one, but I only link to the course page for the syllabus. I'm giving this session for free, so no need for discounts at all :)

If it's too confusing, I can remove the link from the description and replicate the syllabus in this issue. Let me know.

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

The date is drawing closer and I'm anxious to start advertizing the event on social media... Is there anything preventing me to do so?

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

@jub0bs: yes, we should be able to advertise this. One thing that's not clear on yet is how students will register. We usually use meetup.com to manage this and collaborate with an existing meetup group (whichever's your "local" meetup) to track registrations. Is meetup what you had in mind or something else?

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

Hey @jub0bs will you be using a Meetup group event announcement and registration as recommended?

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

@jboursiquot Sorry about the delay. I'm not close to any Meetup group, but I've reached out to the Paris one to see if we can work something out about this. Stay tuned.

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

@jboursiquot I reached out to Diana Ortega from Women Who Go Paris, who was super helpful and kindly agreed to create a dedicated Meetup event: https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Go-Paris/events/278894957/. Registration is now open!

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

@jub0bs Excellent! Once you've got the first round of announcement out, drop a note here and we'll amplify.

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

@jboursiquot Full house! We had to put some people on the waiting list. I'm currently "vetting" the participants (just to make sure they have the pre-requisites), but I'd say we already have enough people. Not sure whether advertising the event further on social media is warranted...

jub0bs commented 3 years ago

The session is over! Eight people registered but only three ended up attending the three days.

jboursiquot commented 3 years ago

Nice work @jub0bs! Yes, the registration to attendance ratio tends to be like that. Still, I'm sure the ones that attended all 3 days are the ones most likely to make the best out of what you've taught them. Thanks for doing this and hope you'll do it again in the future.