gobuffalo / plush

The powerful template system that Go needs
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Evaluating pointers #159

Closed gf3 closed 2 years ago

gf3 commented 2 years ago

Perhaps I missed something important in the docs, but plush seems to have issues evaluating pointers:

package main

import (


type User struct {
    Name *string

func main() {
    html := `<html>
  <h1>user.Name: <%= user.Name %></h1>
  <h1>name: <%= name %></h1>
  <h1>name_ptr: <%= name_ptr %></h1>

    name := "Cool Guy"
    user := &User{Name: &name}
    ctx := plush.NewContext()
    ctx.Set("user", user)
    ctx.Set("name", name)
    ctx.Set("name_ptr", &name)

    s, err := plush.Render(html, ctx)
    if err != nil {


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  <h1>user.Name: </h1>
  <h1>name: Cool Guy</h1>
  <h1>name_ptr: </h1>

Is this a known issue? Have I missed something basic?