goby-lang / goby

Goby - Yet another programming language written in Go
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Sort Goby Hash Keys in Certain Order #265

Closed Alexius-Huang closed 7 years ago

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

The hash pair order in REPL seems not corresponding to the input order, e.g., when I try to print out simple hash:

$ go run goby.go -i
Goby 0.0.9
» h = {a: "Hello", b: "World", c: "Goby"}
#=> <Instance of: Object>
» h
#=> { c: Goby, b: World, a: Hello }
» h
#=> { c: Goby, b: World, a: Hello }
» h
#=> { a: Hello, c: Goby, b: World }
» h
#=> { b: World, a: Hello, c: Goby }
» h
#=> { b: World, a: Hello, c: Goby }
» h
#=> { b: World, a: Hello, c: Goby }
» h
#=> { c: Goby, b: World, a: Hello }
» h
#=> { c: Goby, b: World, a: Hello }

Any idea?

st0012 commented 7 years ago

@Maxwell-Alexius This is because we use Go's map to store pairs, and in Go map's key/value are random ordered.

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

I'll try to find a solution for this case, thanks!

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

@st0012 Maybe we can sort the keys in alphabetical order so that we can guarantee that the hash will be appear in certain order in Goby lang?


Sort keys in alphabetical order: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038508/easy-way-to-get-the-keys-in-a-map-in-alphabetical-order

st0012 commented 7 years ago

@Maxwell-Alexius I think we should just sort them in toString method, and keep it random in other places. I remember I read a post about why Go made this random decision but I can't find it now. @hachi8833 Do you know why?

hachi8833 commented 7 years ago

Looks like the article is the one.

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

@st0012 @hachi8833 Thanks, I think I can adjust this feature request which is listed below:

Proposal I. There is no need to sort or order the Hash key-value pairs. However, for some method implementation, like Hash#sorted_keys, we can return an array of keys of hash in alphabetical order. (Affect some Hash API method implementation in #247)

~Proposal II. Remain current arbitrary state of the key-value pairs in hash API, so if implementing Hash#keys, the keys may also in an arbitrary order. (Issue closed here, if anyone wants to change the Hash pairs order, they can reopen this issue)~

st0012 commented 7 years ago

I actually agree that the hash shouldn't guarantee the key's order, so I suggest keep it this way. But maybe we can provide some extra API like sorted_keys for those who need the keys sorted.

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

Okay, got it ~

Alexius-Huang commented 7 years ago

This should be closed because PR #247 completed.