gocal / gsheet_to_arb

Import translations (ARB/Dart) from Google Sheets
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How to use this.Maybe some issue. #39

Open Mosquito1123 opened 2 years ago

Mosquito1123 commented 2 years ago

/// number of songs plural String numberOfSongsAvailable(int count) => Intl.plural(count, zero: 'No songs found.', one: 'One song found.', two: '$count songs found.', few: '$count songs found.', other: '$count song found.', many: '$count songs found.', name: 'numberOfSongsAvailable', args: [count], desc: 'number of songs plural');

/// currency dolars String amountDollars(int count) => Intl.plural(count, one: '$count Canadian dollar', other: '$count Canadian dollars', name: 'amountDollars', args: [count], desc: 'currency dolars');

Mosquito1123 commented 2 years ago

"""Intl.defaultLocale = "pl"; await initializeMessages(Intl.defaultLocale ?? "pl");

final l10n = L10n();

print(l10n.title); print(l10n.login); print(l10n.singleArgument('arg')); print(l10n.twoArguments('arg1', 'arg2'));

// plurals print(l10n.numberOfSongsAvailable(0)); print(l10n.numberOfSongsAvailable(1)); print(l10n.numberOfSongsAvailable(2)); print(l10n.numberOfSongsAvailable(5)); print(l10n.amountDollars(9));""" Plurals has no output.