gocardless / theatre

GoCardless' collection of Kubernetes extensions
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Add sidecar container support to consoles #183

Closed dyson closed 4 years ago

dyson commented 4 years ago

commit 75b257202d314846b2562198ab07c4674b721d19

Basic support for multiple containers in console

Console templates by design only allow a single container to be defined.
This restriction then relied on the default behaviour of kubernetes - if
there is only a single container, don't require specifying the container
in actions such as attaching or displaying logs.

Relying on the default behaviour breaks when containers are injected into the
console pod via webhooks. In this case kubernetes requires you to also
provide the name of the container that you want to interact with.

This change gets the first container that has a TTY (which should only
be the single container defined in the console template) and passes it
through to attach.

Ideally we should support multiple containers in consoles and allow the
specifying of a container to attach to from the command line as well as
being able to set a default in the console template. This change however
is the minimum to support multiple containers without changing current

commit 802398d247b3fc22b96f247ee5bf334a580281ae

Ignore nil error in theatre-consoles command

Don't print and exit with an unexected error when theatre-console
commands run successfully (err == nil).

commit 2cacf07f68e1d8bc31266b8b9f3321e3be189e85 (HEAD)
