Closed Wheth closed 8 years ago
So, I was comparing changes in savefiles made between PHBank, PKHex and an elapsed PokéBank account, when I saw that PHBank seems to unlock every locked box in the savegame (or atleast, changing this one byte:
Just curious, is there a reason for it? PokéBank seems to ignore it.
Official bank unlocks all boxes until box 30. That's what phbank does. EDIT: of course, if you don't save in official bank, boxes aren't unlocked.
Box 31 can only be unlocked in-game, even if using official bank.
So, I was comparing changes in savefiles made between PHBank, PKHex and an elapsed PokéBank account, when I saw that PHBank seems to unlock every locked box in the savegame (or atleast, changing this one byte:
Just curious, is there a reason for it? PokéBank seems to ignore it.