goccmack / gocc

Parser / Scanner Generator
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Getting stateful context in an action or for a token #111

Closed kfsone closed 3 years ago

kfsone commented 3 years ago

Running a bunch of Parse()rs concurrently, is there a current mechanism or best-practice for providing parser or lexer context to ast functions? I'm ultimately wanting to be able to capture the file/line/column source of certain tokens so during AST validation I can advise the user on sources of conflict:

guide.chapter7.txt:42:11: name 'slartibartfast' is already used. see: guide.chapter6.txt:6:9: previous use

I don't see anything obvious - the regex for $ is [0-9], and ReduceFunc only takes one argument, X []Attrib.

kfsone commented 3 years ago

If there is not, I'll have a PR which adds a "UserContext interface{}" to parser.Parser and which, when the field is not nil, appends it to the Attrib list made available to actions.

File: Imports;

    : "import" identifier << ast.NewImport($1, $2) >>   /* $2 is the user context */
    | Imports "import" identifier << ast.AddImport($0, $2, $3) >> /* $3 is the user context */
kfsone commented 3 years ago

Instead of making it just the last of the attribs, I made it '$Context'. Aside from obvious things like filename visibility in ast functions (without using a global), I'm looking to use it to work around the end-of-sdt only implementation of actions to allow myself to do yacc-style inline type matching/validation of the dsl I'm parsing:

    : FieldName TypeName "=" { startField($0, $1, globalContext); } Value { endField($3, globalContext); }
    | FieldName TypeName { startField($0, $1, globalContext); endField(nil, globalContext); }

where startField pushes the type onto a stack that ast functions in Value can use to tell the user if they're providing an array where an int is expected, etc.

// gocc
    : FieldDef "=" Value << ast.EndField($0, $1, $Context) >>   // value is already verified
    | FieldDef << ast.EndField($0, nil, $Context >>

FieldDef : FieldName TypeName << ast.StartField($0, $1, $Context) >>;

(Obviously, the yacc implementation is single-threaded)

awalterschulze commented 3 years ago

I am not sure, but don't you have enough information in the token.Token, maybe I forgot what was in there?

kfsone commented 3 years ago

@awalterschulze just the literal and the Pos{line, col, offset}

I'm now using token context in my code to keep scope info that allows me to guide my parse while descending a relatively simple jsonish grammar and to allow go-style resolution of names between files without explicit imports using my "daycare" (... dependents) library

awalterschulze commented 3 years ago

So it seems token has everything except filename?

kfsone commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I just think it's perhaps overly specific for gocc as a general purpose parser generator.

I'd rather keep the token completely simple and use a Token factory that the user can override, so that there's no overhead for the average user and anyone who wants to get fancy just uses their own token type that complies with the gocc interface.

type MyToken struct {
    Filename string
    ASTStack []MyASTThings

type MyContext struct {
    fileSpecificFlags int
    errorCount int
    // ...

func NewMyToken(literal []byte, pos token.Pos, context interface{}) (*MyToken, error) {

func main() {
    p := parser.NewParser()
    l := lexer.NewLexerWithTokenFactory(getCode(), NewMyToken)
    p.ParseWithContext(l, &MyContext{})
awalterschulze commented 3 years ago

I think this is something that someone other than me would also need to look at @goccmack ?

kfsone commented 3 years ago

("previously on #111 ...") The two options I was positing:

goccmack commented 3 years ago

@kfsone Thanks for asking interesting questions. I get Page not found on https://github.com/kfsone/gocc/blob/dev/custom/internal/token/gen/golang/token.go

Could you make it available again?

kfsone commented 3 years ago

Ah, yes, sorry, I'd deleted the branch while rebasing.


kfsone commented 3 years ago

Closing as I saw you merged the feature :)