gocodebox / lifterlms

LifterLMS, a WordPress LMS Solution: Easily create, sell, and protect engaging online courses.
GNU General Public License v3.0
179 stars 134 forks source link

License Key Won't Activate | No Gateway Enabled Notice Won't Hide #2383

Open nrherron92 opened 1 year ago

nrherron92 commented 1 year ago

Reproduction Steps

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Error Messages / Logs

### System and Environment Information

<summary>System Report</summary>

<!-- Paste your System Report between the three backticks below this line -->


Home Url: [removed]

Site Url: [removed]

Login Url: [removed]/wp-login.php

Version: 6.1.1

Debug Mode: No

Debug Log: Yes

Debug Display: Yes

Locale: en_US

Multisite: No

Page For Posts: Not Set

Page On Front: Not Set

Permalink Structure: /%postname%

Show On Front: posts

Wp Cron: Yes


Version: 7.1.0

Db Version: 7.1.0

Course Catalog: Not Set

Membership Catalog: Not Set

Student Dashboard: Not Set

Checkout Page: Not Set

Course Catalog Per Page: 9

Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order

Membership Catalog Per Page: 9

Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order

Site Membership: Not Set

Courses Endpoint: my-courses

Edit Endpoint: edit-account

Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password

Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher

Autogenerate Username: no

Password Strength Meter: no

Minimum Password Strength:

Terms Required: no

Terms Page: Not Set

Checkout Names:

Checkout Address:

Checkout Phone:

Checkout Email Confirmation: no

Open Registration: no

Registration Names:

Registration Address:

Registration Phone:

Registration Voucher:

Registration Email Confirmation: no

Account Names:

Account Address:

Account Phone:

Account Email Confirmation: no

Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment

Force Ssl Checkout: no

Country: US

Currency: USD

Currency Position: left

Thousand Separator: ,

Decimal Separator: .

Decimals: 2

Trim Zero Decimals: no

Recurring Payments: yes

Email From Address: [removed]

Email From Name: [removed]

Email Footer Text:

Email Header Image:

Cert Bg Width:

Cert Bg Height:

Cert Legacy Compat:







Manual: Disabled

Manual Logging:

Manual Order: 1


Mysql Version: 10.5.19

Php Curl: Yes

Php Default Timezone: UTC

Php Fsockopen: Yes

Php Max Input Vars: 2500

Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB

Php Memory Limit: 256M

Php Post Max Size: 128M

Php Soap: Yes

Php Suhosin: No

Php Time Limt: 90

Php Version: 8.1.16

Software: Apache/2.4.41

Wp Memory Limit: 40M


HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0


Name: Twenty Twenty-Three

Version: 1.0

Themeuri: https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentythree

Authoruri: https://wordpress.org


Child Theme: No

Llms Support: No


LifterLMS: 7.1.0

LifterLMS Helper: 3.5.0

WP File Manager: 7.1.8


BbPress: No

BuddyPress: No

Template Overrides


This issue has be recreated:
+ [ ] Locally
+ [ ] On a staging site
+ [x] On a production website
+ [x] With only LifterLMS and a default theme

### Browser, Device, and Operating System Information

+ Browser name and version
+ Operating System name and version
+ Device name and version (if applicable)
nrherron92 commented 1 year ago

@eri-trabiccolo @ideadude

eri-trabiccolo commented 1 year ago

@nrherron92 can you check any settings save works as expected? I did some tests and it seems no settings are saved. To me this is due to our llms_verify_nonce() function which is not able to verify the nonce. When you click on remind me later (for the notice issue), you get this error back: Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry (for the future: This is relevant and should be added to the issue description). If you look into our codebase for that message you see it here: https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/blob/59f3f5132e6e9e31e231b7df787deb1cac59afa0/includes/admin/class.llms.admin.notices.php#L250-L252 So what happens is that this fails: https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/blob/7.1.1/includes/llms.functions.core.php#L1278 most likely, what doesn't work is this: https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/blob/7.1.1/includes/llms.functions.core.php#L1280

on this user's website's server the getenv( 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) returns an empty string. I remember we had other cases regarding this very issue in the past, e.g. https://github.com/gocodebox/lifterlms/issues/2227

two more other issues, that I could find, on hs: HS-28209 HS-29629

Might be interesting to understand what's the customer's hosting, can we @nrherron92? I remember we had this very issue with one specific hosting in the past (both the two hs ticket above are with the same hosting).

I wonder if we can find an alternative in any case, or just always suggest to use another hosting.

nrherron92 commented 1 year ago

@eri-trabiccolo yes I see the same thing, I can't get anything to save either, and sure enough the user's host is: Domeneshop as well.

eri-trabiccolo commented 1 year ago

Alright @nrherron92 So yeah I think the best option for this customer is to switch to another hosting (you can find one of Thomas' replies for reference, and on why this is a pretty uncommon configuration, and on why they - the hosting - just said that what we need is not compatible with their service).