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Notifications does not use the Student Name #343

Closed AndreaBarghigiani closed 7 years ago

AndreaBarghigiani commented 7 years ago

1. Reproduction Steps

schermata 2017-05-24 alle 18 10 28

2. Expected Behavior

3. Actual Behavior

5. System Report


Home Url: http://newskam.dev Site Url: http://newskam.dev Version: 4.7.5 Debug Mode: Yes Locale: it_IT Multisite: No Page For Posts: Blog (#87) Page On Front: Home (#85) Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Show On Front: page Wp Cron: Yes


Version: 3.8.1 Db Version: 3.7.7 Course Catalog: Corsi (#4) Course Catalog Per Page: 10 Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order Membership Catalog: Catalogo Membership (#5) Membership Catalog Per Page: 10 Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order Site Membership: Not Set Student Dashboard: Bacheca (#7) Courses Endpoint: visualizza-corsi Edit Endpoint: edit-account Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher Autogenerate Username: no Password Strength Meter: yes Minimum Password Strength: strong Terms Required: yes Terms Page: Termini e Condizioni (#17441) Checkout Names: required Checkout Address: required Checkout Phone: hidden Checkout Email Confirmation: yes Open Registration: no Registration Names: required Registration Address: optional Registration Phone: hidden Registration Voucher: optional Registration Email Confirmation: no Account Names: required Account Address: required Account Phone: optional Account Email Confirmation: yes Checkout Page: Fai il tuo acquisto e migliora le tue conoscenze (#6) Confirmation Endpoint: conferma-pagamento Force Ssl Checkout: yes Country: IT Currency: EUR Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: . Decimal Separator: , Decimals: 2 Trim Zero Decimals: no Recurring Payments: no Email From Address: andrea@skillsandmore.org Email From Name: Andrea da skillsAndMore Email Footer Text: Email Header Image: http://newskam.dev/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/green-logo.png Cert Bg Width: 800 Cert Bg Height: 616 Cert Legacy Compat: no


Stripe: Disabled Stripe Test Mode: Disabled Stripe Logging: yes Stripe Order: 1 Manuale: Disabled Manuale Logging: no Manuale Order: 1


Mysql Version: 5.6.33 Php Curl: Yes Php Default Timezone: UTC Php Fsockopen: Yes Php Max Input Vars: 1000 Php Max Upload Size: 1 GB Php Memory Limit: -1 Php Post Max Size: 1024M Php Soap: Yes Php Suhosin: No Php Time Limt: 30 Php Version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.11 Software: nginx/1.9.3 Wp Memory Limit: 40M


Name: skillsAndMore '17 Version: Themeuri: Authoruri: Template: genesis Child Theme: Yes Llms Support: No


Akismet Anti-Spam: 3.3.2 bbPress: 2.5.12 bbPress Genesis Extend: 1.1.1 CodePen oEmbed: 1.0 Elementor: 1.4.6 Elementor Addon Elements: 0.5 Genesis Translations: 2.4.1 Jetpack by WordPress.com: 4.9 JP bbPress Slack Integration: 0.3.1 LifterLMS: 3.8.1 LifterLMS Helper: 2.4.3 LifterLMS MailChimp Add-on: 2.2.0 LifterLMS Stripe Payment Gateway: 4.1.1 Popup Maker: 1.6.0 Redirection: 2.5 Skillsandmore Super Plugin: 1.1.0 WP Code Highlight.js: 0.5.18 WP Inspect: 1.0.0 Yoast SEO: 4.7.1


BbPress: Yes BuddyPress: No

6. Browser, Device, and Operating System

thomasplevy commented 7 years ago

@AndreaBarghigiani I see how this could potentially cause issues in translation... but this is actually intentional:

If you (the student) see a notification on screen about something you have just done you should see something directed at you instead of about you...

Perhaps I'm thinking about this the wrong way but the notifications identify the recipient of the notification and if it is about his/herself it switches "you" for their name... maybe I have a logic flaw here -- despite a month long testing period I didn't have many people actually use this other than our internal team and no one seemed to find a problem with this behavior, is this not working for you?

thomasplevy commented 7 years ago

also, i did not make "you" translatable, that was dumb... sorry, fixing that right now...

AndreaBarghigiani commented 7 years ago

Don't worry @thomasplevy, I couldn't test in depth the beta version because I was really busy and only now that you release it I had to test it out on the staging environment for my website.

Maybe is a misconception of mine, using the {{STUDENT_NAME}} to recall the name of the student I was thinking to use the proper name instead of 'You', at the end of the day, if I want to use 'You' I can always write it myself but if I want to use the proper name of the student dynamically is kind of difficult ;)

Probably is just a cultural thing, but from my point of view if someone gets a notification from a website it sounds weird to read "You Lesson Complete", from my point of view is better to read "Andrea, Lesson Complete".

Now that I wrote it in English I understand better why you choose this solution 😄 Anyway, congrats for the hard work!

thomasplevy commented 7 years ago

@AndreaBarghigiani I see what you're saying here... i think that maybe this needs a little more work regardless because i see the confusion... i was considering trying to build a kind of dynamic fallback system EG

{{STUDENT_NAME SELF="YOU"}} but decided just to merge it in because that fallback would get kind of complicated...

I'll keep my eye on this and see if i have other issues here and adust accordingly.

Thanks for the feedback as always!