gocodebox / lifterlms

LifterLMS, a WordPress LMS Solution: Easily create, sell, and protect engaging online courses.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sorting Student Report by Completed Column Fails #760

Open chrisbadgett opened 5 years ago

chrisbadgett commented 5 years ago

1. Reproduction Steps

2. Expected Behavior

3. Actual Behavior

4. Error Messages / Logs

5. System Report

Many issues are the result of theme or plugin conflicts. Including information about your WordPress version, your plugins (and their versions), and your theme (and its version) will help us resolve conflicts. We've created the LifterLMS System Report to help with this


Home Url: https://academy.lifterlms.com Site Url: https://academy.lifterlms.com Login Url: https://academy.lifterlms.com/wp-login.php Version: 5.0.3 Debug Mode: No Debug Log: No Debug Display: Yes Locale: en_US Multisite: No Page For Posts: Blog (#21) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/blog/] Page On Front: Welcome 2 (#6145) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/] Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Show On Front: page Wp Cron: No


Version: 3.28.2 Db Version: 3.28.2 Course Catalog: Courses (#9) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/courses/] Membership Catalog: Memberships (#8) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/memberships/] Student Dashboard: My Courses (#11) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/my-courses/] Checkout Page: Enrollment (#10) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/purchase/] Course Catalog Per Page: 10 Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC Membership Catalog Per Page: 10 Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order Site Membership: Not Set Courses Endpoint: my-courses Edit Endpoint: edit-account Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher Autogenerate Username: yes Password Strength Meter: no Minimum Password Strength: weak Terms Required: yes Terms Page: About (#6097) [https://academy.lifterlms.com/about/] Checkout Names: required Checkout Address: hidden Checkout Phone: hidden Checkout Email Confirmation: no Open Registration: yes Registration Names: hidden Registration Address: hidden Registration Phone: hidden Registration Voucher: optional Registration Email Confirmation: no Account Names: optional Account Address: hidden Account Phone: hidden Account Email Confirmation: no Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment Force Ssl Checkout: no Country: US Currency: USD Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Decimals: 2 Trim Zero Decimals: no Recurring Payments: no Email From Address: team@lifterlms.com Email From Name: LifterLMS Academy Email Footer Text: Got questions? Hit reply. We're here for you. Email Header Image: 22630 Cert Bg Width: 800 Cert Bg Height: 616 Cert Legacy Compat: yes


Stripe: Enabled Stripe Test Mode: Disabled Stripe Logging: yes Stripe Order: 1 Manual: Disabled Manual Logging: no Manual Order: 1


Mysql Version: 5.6.10 Php Curl: Yes Php Default Timezone: UTC Php Fsockopen: Yes Php Max Input Vars: 10000 Php Max Upload Size: 100 MB Php Memory Limit: 512M Php Post Max Size: 100M Php Soap: Yes Php Suhosin: No Php Time Limt: 60 Php Version: 7.2.12-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 Software: Apache Wp Memory Limit: 512M


HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36


Name: LifterLMS LaunchPad Version: 2.4.6 Themeuri: https://lifterlms.com/launchpad/ Authoruri: https://gocodebox.com Template: Child Theme: No Llms Support: No


Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.1 Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version): 2.2.1 Drift: 1.8.4 LifterLMS: 3.28.2 LifterLMS Assignments: 1.0.0 LifterLMS Helper: 3.0.2 LifterLMS Labs: 1.5.2 LifterLMS Modifications: 0.1 LifterLMS Stripe Payment Gateway: 4.3.4 OptinMonster API: 1.6.2 Redirection: 3.7.3 Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder: 1.15.0 User Switching: 1.4.2 WP Fusion: 3.22.3


BbPress: No BuddyPress: No

Template Overrides

6. Browser, Device, and Operating System

thomasplevy commented 5 years ago

Notes: looks to be a DB query syntax error related to the "ORDER BY" clause on the LLMS_Student_Query powering the table.

thomasplevy commented 5 years ago

PR #767

toyinogun commented 3 years ago
