I did make Scraping for Amazon Product Titles but Amazon captcha catches my scraper. I tried 10 times with go run main.go(8 times catches me - 2 times I scrapped the product title)
I researched this but I did not find any solution for golang(there is just python) is there any solution for me?
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a Collector specifically for Shopify
c := colly.NewCollector(
colly.AllowedDomains("www.amazon.com", "amazon.com"),
c.OnHTML("div", func(h *colly.HTMLElement) {
capctha := h.Text
title := h.ChildText("span#productTitle")
// Start the collector
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I did make Scraping for Amazon Product Titles but Amazon captcha catches my scraper. I tried 10 times with go run main.go(8 times catches me - 2 times I scrapped the product title)
I researched this but I did not find any solution for golang(there is just python) is there any solution for me?
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