gocolly / colly

Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
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OnHTML can't find the element "div#gs_res_ccl_mid" from a google scholar page, but yesterday it had found the element #721

Open INikson opened 2 years ago

INikson commented 2 years ago


A program of mine, which worked for over a week now, just out of the nowhere stopped working in the sense that one html element as specified div#gs_res_ccl_mid cant be found. I have tried the "div#gs_bdy_ccl" element which can be found. I added an println statement to check if an element is found. There is no pop-up or anyother problem causing this, since the other tag worked. The element on the page "https://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=%22organizational+routines%22+wurm&btnG=" also did not change when i checked. Is there a change of the package which could cause this? Could you help me please?

satvik007 commented 2 years ago

Works for me.