There are different queues created for different job types which are separated by job names, but if the application fails to process the jobs successfully the jobs from all the queues end up in a single queue that has all the dead jobs.. which is conceptually similar to dead letter queue of RabbitMQ.
In the gocraft webui we have an option to retry all the dead jobs which reties all the dead jobs of all job types or we can manually select specific jobs that we want to retry... But the problem arises when we have to retry thousands of dead jobs of a single queue or a job type. Right now we don't have the capability to do so. This PR solves this problem by adding a route and logic to retry all the dead jobs of a specific queue
Add a route in webui and logic to retry only a specific job type from all the dead jobs
How to use
We can call this below sample curl with your job type or queue name of which you want to retry all the dead jobs
POST /retry_dead_job_type/<job-type> HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5040
Problem Statement:
There are different queues created for different job types which are separated by job names, but if the application fails to process the jobs successfully the jobs from all the queues end up in a single queue that has all the dead jobs.. which is conceptually similar to dead letter queue of RabbitMQ. In the gocraft webui we have an option to retry all the dead jobs which reties all the dead jobs of all job types or we can manually select specific jobs that we want to retry... But the problem arises when we have to retry thousands of dead jobs of a single queue or a job type. Right now we don't have the capability to do so. This PR solves this problem by adding a route and logic to retry all the dead jobs of a specific queue
Add a route in webui and logic to retry only a specific job type from all the dead jobs
How to use
We can call this below sample curl with your job type or queue name of which you want to retry all the dead jobs
POST /retry_dead_job_type/OrderCreated HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:5040