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Problems with running nose and sneezing (maybe allergies) #51

Open giovannicuriel opened 3 years ago

giovannicuriel commented 3 years ago

Some users have reported that their noses start running with no apparent cause. Maybe the weather, maybe pollen, maybe dust, maybe reasons. No specific scenario could be defined for this bug to happen.

Affects: Humans in general. Some dogs too, but let's focus on humans first. Versions: all How to reproduce: no specific set of operations could be found to persistently reproduce this. Users report that dust, cat fur, dry weather can trigger these symptons: running nose, non-stop sneezing, sometimes headaches. Deployed scenario: seems to happen all over the world. Cloud provider: no cloud provider was used, all instances are on-premise.

danielnobusada commented 3 years ago

Not sure if related, however it has been reported that some humans (and some other high order mammals) might suffer from sneezing when exposed to a brighter environment.

giovannicuriel commented 3 years ago

I heard that too - I bet this is is definitely due to some missing unit tests.

You probably also missed the second 'is'. Humans are buggy.

Aeres-u99 commented 3 years ago

I feel that the programmatic implementation of nose, is made using object oriented paradigm which is problematic by design. We should switch over to Functional design.