Open yourmomdatestedcruz opened 1 year ago
getting the same result as you here. will check. thanks.
the issue happens when scrapping the site. for whatever reason doesn't use the same CSS classes than the default site.
Alfred KAT gets the rows from the .frontPageWidget tr
table. that table uses different CSS selectors on so it's a bit of a mess. not sure what's the best way to make KAT works on all sites if they don't follow the same structure.
ok so it's even worse with
you end up on a page that dynamically loads the stuff later. so you can't scrap it. this is the HTML received by the parser:
<html lang="en-US">
<title>Just a moment...</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<link href="/cdn-cgi/styles/challenges.css" rel="stylesheet">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="35">
<body class="no-js">
<div class="main-wrapper" role="main">
<div class="main-content">
<div id="challenge-error-title">
<div class="h2">
<span class="icon-wrapper">
<div class="heading-icon warning-icon"></div> </span>
<span id="challenge-error-text"> Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue </span>
<div id="trk_jschal_js" style="display:none;background-image:url('/cdn-cgi/images/trace/jsch/nojs/transparent.gif?ray=7dc6341f3db0b014')"></div>
<form id="challenge-form" action="/search/fi?__cf_chl_f_tk=iPfHMW7cMAPN6Lk0OU_712BHqug72vZcm8Yvry5l7ZA-1687622635-0-gaNycGzNCRA" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="hidden" name="md" value="tMKgME7bdedN0s7pWXM1wSAgwQnfdPHc.DxMHvN359o-1687622635-0-ARpPIxAH-M5MOKqkPBY2iAAtyiV-Wf9VO0hUJuiPkI9h4LbLHCrgLJgtP5C_6eqzsJbTQwV-ofirjwLJPhxyEac-Fe7cJEN17C7S1Fgr5Egbt8kspmsD4_daPJACF5LpjDsIaEKpZihIcbrzLnSZoUyZxWGzJxWStDkC-tKIzgYxlCGBUS7F4Y100iLBW8E8Yo-BTTfjVEJktW7xa_QcoyOmj75R-b7md7Ueq3DjK8MxhobFxWJAoSpCsSH0sVJ8v7fIwLN4PloLRkpkgX-iL0lLW_Z6G22H5QvOX5WzuUC2Dm7-m8hqYyxTFL8KZfR8Gg_08TOqGO-zRz7pkB84nnBRFLcffHTyXY__MAxo4rZ6_blOqLUBxJ32I_MrGkyGqzspaI64cW66LgI5r1OjHvdS6Qd0fzFLMZPZHhKKfdSlTLbBhpCO3XaPkdIRwfhE8D0erUQb16gAZ_bUAX4p_vUmCjjNqflRlz0Navu2qmvdXL36emwZsJmQ5uQc1Zr7mAyZ6RAuan62zNa26y4gkmbC3WpKR0KSEgeeKhoBpvf_eTQmvzjbekViC-DSCGzh--z9K650ejJK1bBrSJUeNwjtj3EcGb0ZGQq1iABLX-RP9Jsf_YxlOxU6ZGvx2ts6moUhuONGQagTJeE5Fbb2DmpCMY4DTa3eeCcMNl-ElO0zy03mJcXhsvSK4biFqVaQCiLcvykrubxpv3OmddvIx3YqOlT00LzDh8ccFgZ2N85sw62SAC1J4-0uzJFgNwI23vHr2jCs4_uakRXWkG6MZjmefLX0IuE9a1pYZHZQ4yfCPGeFUgpKXBETQxSbm97YDu-3JKe70lGU9TrNCp8mSvUCH6moD7Y9LRtlv1jNuZDleBWRIpV9vofW2vkmr8gKJGkrSpKe-2f41yG371ow4flMH7phQ4S53rnaBE7Uv4EnNVwi9cB1u04hM3tDmmHbE00oyKrS7ULeHQVBSWPOFlPWLkNwp-NcBlDM-qLol-6ftpHxKaq992BwtqKggELf5gFZZx1JesOmD9TxggK-xHYlKob4m6UtuNM4lTWFQkMqwQWfXl1Sq_4ymhjZNdm2qmjF09tLqMT6gd7O8TZtA1ENxgPzhURiu5AIeV6COGTkRqGqlmvC74rwehGjwlcZ_jrmK4I5Ly92m8G5-zAEaICGOpNfZLCN3zRNA5rk_AnXu4O9-62uh_-alISp2tD2PGMhJI1hxHvP2YLRefrd9w7bRvtYIhG0SB47T0P5tNo7VpIXTOZadGOIFAFOfSsUuaBeAHtXLuPdOJ9fyjgGfiLeM9dvWLk6_cfOv-yW7euw_BqwTs3G1YKEWWRzi4xf_VFTQU0YNODdztCexPSuEE-vB1Qf3u-rhyQkGRkwFD47lsE3dW4Re7ZJp97zJHNvP_YOblaPf1qnE8HRuYfy-QbNeOk3bcrr814qvn9jovCi-T4IueT9UHarm_x69hMqI6IyxH5LwvSoeujAeVjWafQGDHMyV8E3iUlkB6meG_xgU8EknXb9L-9c-QUnz0UyxIC6nh0HVleK1Cm_8vE6Hzf0AYpEDACQLRFXyIF2zN7JUnKh_ET3asxMDXiUr1cf2hMEnlZaSE1vz38MeGZssY29Syo68Tb9Ld3RMWDag-rypAhKOdd6c5EsYIbOEfy8ca4lsvwtdMJDsQUpHDom1DvmeGk2FdwenlBY439ahvogMcx6evz5NhBHhKlJIxFfPW_7zm87a8Yxx7ETMiu3MxprsezC_5vXB1JyyLUYeJRSU_9tuICH0850IEX19wnbqZhnEFxmbkychvcAe9rlT7E4UP03isfG7NdmiagnP6ViFsWslSW5FP3NLZfo3cC7gqyBXg7m40ZCn7q0oJ-u4jcV0Fu5r67UgYDMKlf19dbuI-Z6NfyIOMHylEzLlU3bzjMJe8ZlLTTOYzVOTwcReS3heB87fa-IzURM7nAFVX6EtQYGF_6_HISdmVV2bITe_BPHO0gCuHw4gEqKAOkCP9Tj9fsopfgFEsDyqao9PpvL2aiSMoXYjx55lVbgG563nRIf-Ra6qLDOfJqup0H6V7nowIr-jWRHh4I4mW-Boa83-s53UW6O9mTbpQUvuNRQGhRC8XMW_heQ2vP6h2gxgib68pmBIWaz0e08FYdoh2jzwKgVqA9yD80BdkeCRdFsdQil57zlOjGbBf6Rr0nSScIk5s5uscR78yFtbVbup2Myy33e28btSl_vLgvlJnmOUijTfFL1EDyhbmfwZ6ibaRw">
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cK: "",
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ru: 'aHR0cHM6Ly9rYXQucmlwL3NlYXJjaC9maQ==',
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var cpo = document.createElement('script');
cpo.src = '/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/orchestrate/jsch/v1?ray=7dc6341f3db0b014';
window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash = location.hash === '' && location.href.indexOf('#') !== -1 ? '#' : location.hash;
window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUQuery = === '' && location.href.slice(0, location.href.length - window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash.length).indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '?' :;
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history.replaceState(null, null, "\/search\/fi?__cf_chl_rt_tk=iPfHMW7cMAPN6Lk0OU_712BHqug72vZcm8Yvry5l7ZA-1687622635-0-gaNycGzNCRA" + window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash);
cpo.onload = function() {
history.replaceState(null, null, ogU);
then some JS is doing the bullshit of loading the real page. not worth working on that sorry.
Ah I see - fair enough, thanks for looking into it!
Do you have a list of known working sites somewhere?
Do you have a list of known working sites somewhere?
honestly no. i've built that variable for myself at first, coz sometimes the official KAT site was getting raped. so i wanted to be able to switch the URL fast. but yeah, hit and miss. i haven't had to change it for ages tho. any reason why you don't wanna use the original URL?
I travel a fair bit and the default URL is sometimes blocked - I can VPN through and take all those steps but it'd be easier to just switch it out for the duration of the stay.
Additionally, I get more results on - by some significant margin, and more trackers too it seems? that last part is strange to me, but there are more results that's for sure.
I travel a fair bit and the default URL is sometimes blocked - I can VPN through and take all those steps but it'd be easier to just switch it out for the duration of the stay.
hmm. fair. although i have another Workflow to connect to a Brook VPN through Alfred 😂️
Additionally, I get more results on - by some significant margin, and more trackers too it seems? that last part is strange to me, but there are more results that's for sure.
oh. strange. i would have expected the mirrors to have the same data. i've mostly always been able to find what i was looking for on the original. but yeah, i surely can't do anything easily with not sure if there's a way to get scrappers to grabbed some kind of final render of the HTML. that'd require me to dig deep into how that works. which i'm def. not gonna do for now coz i'm busy with more important stuff, sorry!
not sure if there's a way to get scrappers to grabbed some kind of final render of the HTML
surely there is, but it's above what I can understand - I smell a custom search to just get that results URL a bit quicker.
which i'm def. not gonna do for now coz i'm busy with more important stuff, sorry!
no worries - thanks for looking into it as much as you did!
surely there is, but it's above what I can understand - I smell a custom search to just get that results URL a bit quicker.
yeah? like i'd be surprised. their shits are being rendered dynamically. or at least after some maybe Cloudflare bs or whatever. anyways haven't been digging too much, but it's enough for me to know that's gonna be a headache and i don't have the current knowledge needed to think of a solution quickly 😂️
no worries - thanks for looking into it as much as you did!
Hi - I'd like to use instead of the default, but all the results return as 404 - is there a step I'm missing here?