godbout / kindaVim.docs

Ultimate Vim Mode for macOS
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not working on some pages that have code input #194

Open luisfrodriguezr opened 11 months ago

luisfrodriguezr commented 11 months ago

App doesn't work on pages that have markdown input or code cells like Jupyter Notebooks, for instance https://www.kaggle.com/

godbout commented 11 months ago

yes, so that's web stuff. the Jupyter Notebook thing is unfortunately not accessible. like the text is built from a whole bunch of static texts, which looks nice and works for the web, but it's not done for that. so the AX doesn't work properly.

what you can do is add your browser in the Key Mapping Family. then rather than trying to read the text, kV will just use key mapping to try to do the Vim motions. it's less precise, but no choice with tools that send wrong AX data. here kV can't do the switch automatically because actually Jupyter Notebook advertises itself as text, but also uses static text rather than text inputs or text areas. so yeah, add the browser in the Key Mapping. but it'll affect the whole browser, hence every single page. what you could do also i use two different browsers, one for normal usage, one that you put in the Key Mapping family when you deal with that type of input.

godbout commented 11 months ago

something a little related: https://github.com/godbout/kindaVim.docs/issues/180 in the sense that rather than changing behavior by apps, your issue would require (to have a proper UX for the user) to differentiate by SITE. which would be of course crazy to do.

luisfrodriguezr commented 11 months ago

Yeah, adding my browser in the Key Mapping seems to be working; just that I can't see the highlighted VIM cursor in normal mode. Should I expect that? Or is it something to fix it?

godbout commented 11 months ago

Yeah, adding my browser in the Key Mapping seems to be working; just that I can't see the highlighted VIM cursor in normal mode. Should I expect that? Or is it something to fix it?

yeah, that's normal. kV has several "modes". the best one (Accessibility Strategy) requires apps/inputs to implement the macOS Accessibility properly. because to be able to do proper text calculation and manipulation, you need a lot of info. if the app/input doesn't give info, or wrong one (like with Jupyter), then kV needs to use another mode: the Keyboard Strategy one. basically it tries to translate a Vim motion in macOS key combinations. but in that case you can't have a block cursor, because kV doesn't know anything about the text and can't calculate anything related to it. the Keyboard Strategy is more like a fallback. the best mode is definitely the Accessibility one.